22/93. Approval of Chairman for the council meeting.
A proposal was made for Cllr Sunners to chair the meeting. There were no other nominations. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/94 Approval of apologies given. Cllr Rogers has been delayed in traffic so cannot attend.
A proposal was made to approve these apologies with the reason given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/95. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.
23/96. Public recess. No public
23/97. Approval of minutes from 17th July 2023.
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/98. Action points from previous meeting.
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding. PENDING
23/30. Publish grass and hedge cutting tender document and bring back to committee when quotes obtained. TO BE ADDED TO SEPT AGENDA
23/41. Apply for Memorial Hall Trust grant for defib costs. GRANT APPROVED, WAITING FOR BREWERY PERMISSION – CALLEY ARMS.
23/56. Obtain quotes for re-painting the Badbury phone box. Bring back to appropriate agenda. ADD TO SEPT AGENDA
23/77. Add approval of TOR to Aug meeting. DONE
23/79. Find out tree and hedge costs and add to Aug meeting. DONE
23/80. Find out bench costs and suggest locations and add to Aug meeting. DONE
23/86. Add costs for Clerk’s ICCM training to Aug full council agenda. DONE
23/87. Work with Bartlett Memorials on laying unsafe stones flat where no owner has been located. Clerk to arrange sending the £40 invoice to cover costs to the last known address on file to try to recoup council costs. PENDING. WAITING FOR SALISBURY DIOSESE.
23/90. Move allotment fee increase item to Aug agenda. DONE.
Cllr Rogers – 22/207 – To finalise the agenda request form for verge damage. PENDING.
23/99. Approval committee Term of Reference document.
A proposal was made for the EGPA committee to approve the TOR document for the next 12 months. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/100. Parishing Progress. No items
23/101. Parish Appearance and Safety. Review actions the committee can take ref dog mess bin being emptied over the pavement. Castle View green area.
Reported in July by a resident who had been clearing this up. No further incidences reported to the PC since.
A proposal was made that as there have been no further reports with the bin, the council wait to see if there is a further incidence and can then discuss further action. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/102. Parish Appearance and Safety. Work on 2023/24 project to protect the verges at Castle View Green area and improve safety by prevent crossing on the unsafe area. £1500.00 available from budget.
Costs for Hawthorn hedges were looked at. The committee rejected hawthorn due to the thorns. Beech and other English hedges requested.
Clerk to get costs for 47 metres at 3 plants per metre if possible.
Native nut trees (beech nut) and fruit trees to be costed up as well for the same area.
Allbuild to be approached for a quote for rotivating the 47 metres to make it easy to plant the hedging. Possibly get the community involved in the planting.
To come back to Sept agenda to progress.
23/103. Parish Appearance and safety. To consider & vote on adding extra benches in the parish.
2 benches to be requested. The Earth Anchor bench at £649.00, with fixing kit £89.00 plus delivery at £48.00 plus VAT.
2 locations suggested – Home Close entrance grass verge and New Road/Station Road junction verge (opposite the allotments)
The Clerk is to contact SBC to see if permission will be granted. Note – may be a separate SBC charge for permission.
The Clerk will add a FB post with the suggested locations – ask for feedback and also other possible locations.
If SBC approve the locations, then the residents closest to the benches can be consulted.
A proposal was made to request the funds from the Finance Committee to cover the costs above, subject to SBC approval and location approval. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/104. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report.
Emailed report received and circulated to Cllrs. The Clerk is to get a quote for verti-quake work for the senior pitch and bring to Sept agenda for approval.
23/105. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. No report received.
23/106. Building and amenity priorities. Pavilion. No items
23/107. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark. No items.
23/108. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. Review costs for burials and approve a percentage increase. (to account for annual maintenance costs when there is no cemetery income when the graveyards are full)
After a discussion, the following proposal was made:
To make an 80% increase to the current burial costs and monitor the extra income that this increase provides, to cover the long term maintenance of the sites. The proposal was seconded and the majority of Cllrs were in favour.
The costs increases would be 80% of the current costs of:
Burial plot purchase £236.50
Ashes plot purchase £90.00
Burial interment costs £236.50
Cremation interment costs £90.00
Headstone fee burial £98.00
Headstone fee ashes £75.00
The updated costs will be published on the councils website and reported on the RFO’s monthly finance report.
23/109. Castle View Play area. No items
23/110. Allotments. Plum tree removal for plot 12A. Photo received which showed the tree on the ground.
It was noted that the plum tree was still secure in the ground, it had just fallen over. It needs a severe prune and a new supporting stake.
If the tree hasn’t been removed already then this work will be carried out.
23/111. Allotments. Review allotment fees and approve increase.
A proposal was made to approve a 10% increase on all fees for the Nov 2023 renewal period. The proposal was seconded and the majority of Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Rawlings did not vote.
23/112. Vulnerable People. No items
23/113. Items for next agenda. None
Meeting closed 20.33
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.
23/30. Publish grass and hedge cutting tender document and bring back to committee when quotes obtained.
23/41. Apply for Memorial Hall Trust grant for defib costs.
23/56. Obtain quotes for re-painting the Badbury phone box. Bring back to appropriate agenda.
23/87. Work with Bartlett Memorials on laying unsafe stones flat where no owner has been located. Clerk to arrange sending the £40 invoice to cover costs to the last known address on file to try to recoup council costs.
23/102. Do further work on hedging and tree costs for Castle View green area
21/103. Talk to SBC to see if bench locations would be approved. Add FB post for feedback and other locations. Add to Finance agenda for approval of funds. Consult with closest residents if plan can proceed.
23/104. Get verti-quake quote for senior football pitch.
23/108. Update all documents and information with burial costs increase.
23/110. Check on plum tree status and do remedial work if possible.
23/111. Update all documents and information with allotment fees increase.
Cllr Rogers – 22/207 – To finalise the agenda request form for verge damage