24/18. To vote on a committee Chairman for the forthcoming year.

There were no candidates to be the chairman for the following year.

A proposal was made that Cllr Sunners would chair the current meeting and Cllrs would take Chairmanship in rotation until a chair was agreed upon. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Woodhams will chair the June meeting and Cllr Rawlings the July meeting.

24/19. To vote on a committee Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.

There were no nominees and no vote.  The position of VC is not required by law.

24/20. Approval of apologies given.

None, but Cllr Whitehead has a dispensation which excuses him from this meeting.

To note the resignation from the council of Cllr Andy Rogers. The committee wished to note their thanks to Mr Rogers for his guidance as chairman of the committee.

24/21. Declarations of Interest.  None

24/22. Public recess. No public.

24/23. Approval of minutes 16th April 2024.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/24. Action points from previous meeting.


23/185. Complete PROW forms and send to SBC. PENDING.

23/248. Work with contractor to get upgraded batteries installed in the solar lights at Strouds Hill. DONE.

23/249. Arrange placement of 2 new benches plus moving of the dog bin. PENDING. Benches have been ordered. 4 week delivery time. Exact locations will be carefully chosen.

24/07. Create and install new noticeboard with the handyman. PENDING

24/13. Add allotment fencing item to May full council agenda for approval. DONE

24/15. Arrange the rest of the youth sessions for 24/25 with Headstart Skillz. DONE

24/25. Parishing Progress. To approve the costs of £30.00 per cut to have the verges on Butts Road cut by BDN Grounds.

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

It was noted by Cllr Sunners that SBC operatives on site had confirmed they were cutting the back grass area at Foundry Rise.  CPC/BDN to only cut the front area on the map.

24/26. Parish Appearance and safety. Acceptance of donated funds from Washpool as a gift to the council to allow the council to purchase new trees for the site.

A proposal was made to approve the acceptance of the donation to be used for tree purchases. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

It was noted that Washpool were working with Kingsdown Nurseries to collate a list of suitable trees for the site which CPC can order and then pay for.

24/27. Parish Appearance and safety. Retrospective approval of £60 to fix the bin outside the memorial hall by Allbuild. H&S issue.

A proposal was made to approve this payment of £60.00. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/28. Parish Appearance and safety. Approval of purchasing a sign from Neighbourhood Watch for £35.00 for Strouds Hill carpark.

A proposal was made to approve the purchase of the sign costing £35.00. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/29. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. Matt Clarke reports.

Current season just ended with 3 adult and 3 junior teams. Good numbers of players in all areas.

Hope to have 5/6 teams next season. Want to start an U9 team. A coach is lined up.

Many games cancelled due to waterlogged pitch. Have to hire 4G pitches at £100 a session. Around £1600 spent for the season on this.

End of season jobs.  Washing and painting the outside of the pavilion. Levelling and re-seeding the goal mouths. There will be 4 teams using the senior pitch next year and 1 team using the junior pitch. The goals are now locked up within the compound.

24/30. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. No report received.

24/31. Building and amenity priorities.  Pavilion. No items

24/32. Rec Hall, ground and carpark.  Discussion and vote on another football team using the Rec ground as their home venue.

The matter was discussed by the committee with input from Matt Clarke.

A proposal was made that due to the limited availability of the pitch due to periods of being waterlogged, and the lack of extra facilities such as line painting and changing room usage, the request would be rejected by the council. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/33. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. To approve a £40.00 from the handyman for provision of his jet washer for cleaning the chapel vestibule and railings.

A proposal was made to approve this cost of £40.00. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/34. Allotments.  No items

24/35. Vulnerable People. No items

24/36. Youth Provision.  No items

24/37. Castle View Play area.  No items

24/38. Items for next agenda.    None


Meeting closed 19.57




All Actions to be completed by the next EGPA Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


23/185. Complete PROW forms and send to SBC

23/249. Arrange placement of 2 new benches plus moving of the dog bin.

24/07. Create and install new noticeboard with the handyman.

24/25. Advise BDN of Butts Road grass cutting approval costs and Foundry Rise update.

24/26. Advise Washpool that their donation for tree purchases will be accepted by the council

24/32. Advise the football club enquiry about the Chiseldon pitches that we cannot approve their request.