22/23. Vote on approval of committee Chairman for the following year.
A proposal was made for Cllr Rogers to be the committee chairman for the following year. There were no other nominations.
The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/24. Vote on approval of committee Vice Chairman for the following year.
There were no nominations for the role. The item will be raised again when there are more Cllrs on the committee.
23/25 Approval of apologies given.
23/26. Declarations of Interest.
Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.
23/27. Public recess.
No public
23/28. Approval of minutes from 17th April 2023.
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/29. Action points from previous meeting.
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding. PENDING
22/202. Contact YAW for refresher on the services they offer ref youth club. CLOSED. NO LONGER NEEDED
22/207. Send Cllr Rawlings the agenda request form, for details of verge damage item for April meeting. WITH CLLR ROGERS
23/06. Check end dates for current contracts and create one new tender document for all grass cutting and hedge cutting in the parish. DONE
23/07. Make contact with the Contractor to advise of the terms of work required for the rest of the hedge cutting work. DONE. HEDGE CUTTING COMPLETED
23/08. Advise contractor of weekly areas of litter picking to be carried out and to report back on whether this causes issues elsewhere. DONE
23/15. Ask residents to contact the Brewery ref defib install on the pub wall. Add agenda item for May 23 Finance meeting for £1000 unallocated funds to be used for assisting the supply and install. PENDING CONFIRMATION FROM BREWERY. FINANCE COMMITTEE APPROVED £1000 FROM UNALLOCATED FUNDS.
23/16. To make contact with BEST and Allstarz to arrange meetings ref summer provision. DONE. ALLSTARZ DID NOT REPLY.
23/16. Create a QR code poster for asking teenagers views on summer provision. PENDING
23/18. Get quotes for rabbit removal at allotments. DONE
23/20. Add allotment fence posts quotes to May agenda. DONE.
Cllr Rogers – 22/207 – To finalise the agenda request form for verge damage PENDING
Cllr Sunners – 23/16. Talk to Chiseldon Football club about a summer provision. CLOSED. CLLR SUNNERS NO LONGER A CLLR.
23/30. Parishing Progress. Approve tender document for grass cutting and hedge cutting within the Parish.
The proposed tender document for all grass cutting and hedge cutting was reviewed.
A proposal was made to publish the document and seek tenders for the work. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
It was suggested to approach South Swindon PC to see if they also wanted to quote for the work.
23/31. Parishing Progress. Approve the cost increase from £100 to £120 from Allbuild for cutting the Home Close nature corridor twice a year (Cost is per cut).
A proposal was made to approve this cost increase. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The Clerk has an action to check the back footpath area of Home Close to make sure there are no “land grab” issues.
23/32. Parish Appearance and Safety. Review and approve quote for hedge cutting at New Road, near roundabout.
A proposal was made to approve the cost of £500 plus VAT quoted from Allbuild for the work. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/33. Parish Appearance and Safety. Consider the request from the Washpool volunteer team to register Washpool as a Nature Reserve.
A proposal was made to approve this request subject to the landowner being in agreement and whether the existing 30 year lease from 2008 can be extended. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/34. Parish Appearance and Safety. Consider the request from a resident for the small yellow see-saw to be removed after an incident involving their child.
The committee discussed this at length and the fact that the see-saw was installed in 2018 with no other reported incidents. It has passed every quarterly and annual external inspection. It has the relevant British Standards level for play equipment.
A proposal was made to not remove the see-saw based on the information above. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The Clerk, with Cllr Rogers input will reply to the resident.
23/35. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. No report received.
It was noted that the club had paid for grass re-seeding of the pitches and removed the goal posts temporarily to allow the grass to grow.
23/36. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report.
No report received.
23/37. Building and amenity priorities. Approve updated cost of STORM fire extinguisher servicing. The updated cost of £399.08 plus VAT.
A proposal was made to approve this updated cost. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/38. Building and amenity priorities. Pavilion. No items
23/39. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark. No items
23/40. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. No items
23/41. Community Priorities. Defibrillator grant application to Calley Memorial Hall Trust by Chiseldon PC.
If the council apply to the Trust for a grant for the remainder of the funds required, and buy and take ownership of the defibrillator, then the council can claim back the VAT of the purchase and install.
A proposal was made to apply for £1500 from the trust to cover purchase and install of the defib. Any funds not used (as install costs not yet known) will be returned to the trust. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/42. Community Priorities . No items
23/43. Castle View Play area. No items
23/44. Allotments. Rabbit population issue.
A proposal was made for the Clerk to arrange for Pest Force to carry out removal by using ferrets. The proposal was seconded and all Cllr were in favour.
Cllr Rawlings did not vote.
23/45. Allotments. Review quotes for fence repairs.
To be moved to June agenda as not enough quotes obtained.
23/46. Allotments. Plot 12A request for a greenhouse on plot.
Currently greenhouses are not listed on the lease and plot 12A does not have room on their plot. The lease states that all sheds should be placed in the spaces reserved at the end of “B” plots for sheds.
A proposal was made to allow greenhouses on site and update the lease accordingly. Tenants could only have 1 shed or greenhouse, not both. Plot 12A would be permitted to place a greenhouse of the specified dimensions at the end of the row of plots 12. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllr Rawlings did not vote.
23/47. Vulnerable People. No items
23/48. Items for next agenda. None
Meeting closed 20.31
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.
22/207. Send Cllr Rawlings the agenda request form, for details of verge damage item for April meeting.
23/15. Ask residents to contact the Brewery ref defib install on the pub wall. Add agenda item for May 23 Finance meeting for £1000 unallocated funds to be used for assisting the supply and install.
23/16. Create a QR code poster for asking teenagers views on summer provision.
23/20. Add allotment fence posts quotes to May agenda. Now June agenda.
23/30. Publish grass and hedge cutting tender document and bring back to committee when quotes obtained.
23/31. Check the back of Home Close to make sure no “land grab” has taken place of the path.
23/32. Arrange for Allbuild to cut the New Road hedge as per the approved quote.
23/33. Approach Washpool landowner about making the area a Nature Reserve and extended the lease. Advise WARP of the update.
23/34. Write to resident with regards to see-saw decision (With Cllr Rogers)
23/37. Arrange for STORM to service the fire extinguishers as per updated approved quote.
23/41. Apply for Memorial Hal Trust grant for defib costs.
23/44. Arrange rabbit removal work as per approved quote.
23/48. Advise RFO to update allotment lease and advise resident 12A.
Cllr Rogers – 22/207 – To finalise the agenda request form for verge damage