N.B. This meeting was declared inquorate and therefore did not proceed.
Public recess – to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chairman for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes
1. List attendances and vote on approval of apologies for absence (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)
2. To vote on co-option of 6 candidates for Parish Cllr. (if any candidates are in attendance). Joanne Stevens has submitted her application for this meeting. See additional information
3. Vote on any declarations of interests – and vote on any dispensations requested.
4. Approval of minutes – Full Council meeting 10th June 2024.
5. Action Points from last meeting.
6. Community safety, including Police report.
7. Ward Cllr reports.
8. FINANCE. Discussion and vote on payment of the final invoice from grass contractors BDN after they terminated the contract with the council. See additional documentation
9. FINANCE. If required, to review and vote on any action to be taken from bad debtor for hall hire. To be reviewed in conjunction with the council’s “Bad debtor” policy. See additional documentation.
10. FINANCE Discuss and vote on £170 printing funds for council staff to create a Parish wide newsletter update. (Last newsletter Dec 22)
11. FINANCE. Review quotes from Sanders webworks for £110 plus VAT and £165 plus VAT to redact all signatures from old documents, and review and update website to conform to new accessibility guidelines. See additional information
12. FINANCE. Approval of Bank Reconciliations from May. (as required in Financial Regulations) See additional information
13. FINANCE. Discuss and vote on how dividend funds from the CCLA account should be handled. See additional documentation
14. FINANCE. To approve Cllrs Kearsey, Woodham, Rawlings, Jackson, the RFO and the Clerk to authorise investment in the new CCLA Public Sector Deposit Fund. See additional information
15. Discussion and vote if required on any matter relating to the Transition of Services from Swindon Borough Council to Chiseldon PC.
16. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN. To vote on mandatory items to be listed as part of the Design Code document, for developers to adhere to. See additional information.
17. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN. To review and approve the draft Regulation 15 version of the NHP document. To be submitted to SBC. See additional information.
18. PLANNING. To discuss and vote on the council’s response to the public consultation from Hannick Homes regarding their proposal for 42 homes on the land at the corner of Hodson Road. See additional information.
19. Approval of policies: None for this meeting.
20. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any additional planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council where a time extension is not approved to hear the item at the next planning meeting. Published on the council’s Facebook page and on the councils website.
21. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Brief reports only please due to time constraints.
Finance – Review & approval of June 2024 finance figures-loaded onto MS Teams in “Teams/Chiseldon Parish Council/Files” July 24 finance figures to date loaded into MS Teams for information.
Finance report – No meeting.
EGPA report from Cllr Woodham who chaired the May meeting.
Planning, Highways and Transport report – No meeting
Risk Assessment report from Clerk. See additional information
Correspondence feedback for Cllrs – if available, loaded onto MS Teams.
22. Items for next agenda. (Cannot be discussed and/or voted on at this meeting)