Public recess: to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chairman for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes
1. List attendances and vote on approval of apologies for absence (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)
2. To vote on co-option of 5 candidates for Parish Cllr. (if any candidates are in attendance). See additional information
3. Vote on any declarations of interests – and vote on any dispensations requested.
4. Approval of minutes – Full Council meeting 8th January 2024.
5. Action Points from last meeting.
6. Community safety, including Police report.
7. Ward Cllr reports.
8.To vote on Cllr Woodham joining the EGPA and Finance Committee’s.
9. Discuss and vote on the proposed change to a Public Right of Way (PROW) from Wiltshire Council. See additional information
10.Discuss and vote on feedback to the consultation on Ward boundary changes in Swindon. See additional information
11.FINANCE Discussion and vote on any alternative expenditure that can be used for the £62,000 CIL funds, if not spent on the earmarked project by the deadline. See additional information
12.FINANCE. Review the current budget vs expenditure report. See additional information
13. Discuss and approve amending the delegated powers to the Clerk to be able to approve quotes under a certain amount of money for work required where the council is losing money or being penalised for not having work done ASAP. See additional information
14. Approval of policies:
- Equal Opportunities Statement/Equality and Diversity.
15. PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/22/1170 REVISED Change of use of the Stable Block and Cottage/Restaurant to provide 11no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), erection of 6no. dormer windows with associated infrastructure and landscaping.
Burderop Cottage, Hodson Road Chiseldon Swindon SN4 0QB
16. PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/LBC/22/1113 Revised Alterations to the Cottage/ Restaurant building to internally re-order residential unit RC04, re-introduce an entrance door on the north elevation of the former restaurant and re-introduce a window at first floor level of the former restaurant (amended proposals following listed building consent S/LBC/22/0695).
Former Cottage/ Restaurant, Burderop Park Mansion Drive Swindon SN4 0QD
17. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any additional planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council where a time extension is not approved to hear the item at the next planning meeting. Published on the councils Facebook page and on the councils website.
18. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Brief reports only please due to time constraints.
Finance – Review & Vote on Jan 2024 finance figures-loaded onto MS Teams in “Teams/Chiseldon Parish Council/Files” Feb 24 finance figures to date loaded into MS Teams for information.
Finance report – Cllr Rogers
EGPA report from Cllr Rogers
Planning, Highways and Transport report – Cllr Jefferies
Risk Assessment report from Clerk. See additional information
Correspondence feedback for Cllrs – if available, loaded onto MS Teams.
19. Items for next agenda. (Cannot be discussed and/or voted on at this meeting)