23/01 Approval of apologies given. Cllr Barnes has an AGM commitment elsewhere.
A proposal was made to accept these apologies. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
No apologies from Cllr Bates.
23/02. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.
23/03. Public recess. No public
23/04. Approval of minutes from 20th February and 20th March 2023.
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/05. Action points from previous meeting.
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding. PENDING
22/194. Get results of annual litter pick rubbish collected and add item to April agenda. DONE
22/195. Purchase new hi-vis vests as listed in the minutes DONE
22/202. Contact YAW for refresher on the services they offer ref youth club EMAILED – no reply yet. Old information circulated to Cllrs.
22/204. Make arrangements for drone work on allotment to be carried out. DONE
22/205 Make arrangements for hedge cutting at allotment to be carried out BOOKED FOR END OF APRIL.
22/207. Send Cllr Rawlings the agenda request form, for details of verge damage item for April meeting. Cllr Rogers to assist with the wording of the form for the May agenda.
23/06. Parishing Progress. Approve tender process for grass cutting and hedge cutting.
A proposal was made to incorporate all grass and hedge cutting within the parish to 1 tender. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The Clerk is to check any end dates of current contracts first. Document to be brought back to May agenda for approval.
23/07. Parishing Progress. Discuss resolution for late hedge cutting issue at Butts Road.
The hedges were supposed to be cut in November 2022 and the Clerk has been chasing for this to be completed.. The top of the Butts Road rear hedge remains uncut.
After a discussion, the following proposal was made.
To advise the contractor that the hedge cutting is now too late in the season for nesting birds, and the hedge cutting is required to be done in July/August for the 2022 season. If the work is not done, we will expect a credit note to the value of the work required. We will not be paying the March 23 invoice until this work is resolved. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/08. Parish Appearance and Safety. Discuss litter issues within the parish and possible methods to resolve this.
A proposal was made to ask the contractor to make sure Windmill Piece, Castle View Road (garage end), footpath from Windmill Piece to School, and footpath from Windmill Piece to School Close is covered each week. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The Clerk will ask the contractor to report back if this is to the detriment of the rest of the parish.
23/09. Parish Appearance and Safety. Approve quote of £180 plus VAT from STORM to do the annual fire extinguisher service.
A proposal was made to approve this cost of £180. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/10. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. No report received.
23/11. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. Emailed report received and shared to Cllrs
23/12. Building and amenity priorities. Pavilion. No items
23/13. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark. No items
23/14. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. No items
23/15. Community Priorities. Defibrillator support.
Residents in Hodson have asked the council about support to purchase a defibrillator.
Locations to place one are limited to the pub, or using possible cables from the old BT box, or creating a suitable new structure.
A proposal was made for the following. To ask residents to approach the Brewery who own the pub to see if permission would be given to install the defib on an external wall using their electricity supply. To request Finance Committee approve unallocated funds of £1000 to support the purchase and install of a defibrillator in Hodson with residents raising the rest of the funds. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Other areas such as Draycot Foliat face additional issues as there are no public buildings where a defib could be installed. This could be looked at as an future project if Hodson succeeds.
23/16. Community Priorities. Youth club project.
Cllrs Barnes, Sunners and the Clerk met with Haydon Wick PC. They recommended contacting BEST and Allstarz Sports to see if they could arrange a summer provision using some of the £2000 funds allocated this year.
The Clerk will make contact with both to arrange a meeting.
Cllr Sunners will contact Chiseldon Football club to see if they could offer any summer provision.
The Clerk will create a QR code poster linking to a Survey Monkey Survey to ask teenagers what sort of provision they would like.
23/17. Castle View Play area. No items
23/18. Allotments. Rabbit population issue.
It was agreed that the Clerk would get quotes for removing the excess rabbit population for the May agenda. Shooting is not permitted.
23/19. Allotments. Review final images from Drone company for plot mapping.
A proposal was made to approve and sign off the images. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllr Rawlings did not vote.
23/20. Allotments. Review quotes for fence repairs.
To be moved to May agenda as not enough quotes obtained.
23/21. Vulnerable People. No items
23/22. Items for next agenda. None
Meeting closed 20.34
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.
22/202. Contact YAW for refresher on the services they offer ref youth club
22/207. Send Cllr Rawlings the agenda request form, for details of verge damage item for April meeting.
23/06. Check end dates for current contracts and create one new tender document for all grass cutting and hedge cutting in the parish.
23/07. Make contact with the Contractor to advise of the terms of work required for the rest of the hedge cutting work.
23/08. Advise contractor of weekly areas of litter picking to be carried out and to report back on whether this causes issues elsewhere.
23/15. Ask residents to contact the Brewery ref defib install on the pub wall. Add agenda item for May 23 Finance meeting for £1000 unallocated funds to be used for assisting the supply and install.
23/16. To make contact with BEST and Allstarz to arrange meetings ref summer provision.
23/16. Create a QR code poster for asking teenagers views on summer provision.
23/18. Get quotes for rabbit removal at allotments
23/20. Add allotment fence posts quotes to May agenda.
Cllr Rogers – 22/207 – To finalise the agenda request form for verge damage
Cllr Sunners – 23/16. Talk to Chiseldon Football club about a summer provision.