22/98. Apologies for absence: None. Absence without apologies: Cllr Danielle Simpson and Cllr Chay Ford.

22/99. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations. None.

22/100. Public recess.  None.

22/101. Approve the minutes from 3rd January 2023.  No changes.

A proposal was made to approve the minutes from 3rd January 2023 as an accurate representation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/102. Action points

Clerk 22/48. Clerk to provide further information on what level any compensation should be set at and whether there is any precedence set/guidance, or advice from the ICCM. Clerk to advise what the maximum level covered in the insurance is. ICCM have no further advice on levels to set. Cllr Harris requested this becomes a confidential item. The Council discussed whether a policy is needed and requested a draft be created for the finance committee to review. No further update. ONGOING.

RFO 22/92. RFO to supply analysis of website, leaflets and marketing, and stationery costs, to understand what is driving the overspends vs. budget. DONE.

Clerk 22/93. Three quotes are requested from IT companies to review current laptop security, backup procedures and whether the current package is a commercial grade to see if we meet the criteria for the additional insurance, or advise what we would need to do to meet it. Clerk received 2 quotes and 2 others haven’t replied. DONE.

Clerk 22/95. Purchase new strimmer with £700 maximum spend for council work. DONE.

22/103. HR: No items


22/104. To note the proposed re-payment of pension tax amounts to HMRC due to historic miscalculation.

HMRC regulations to be investigated regarding re-payment. Cllrs requested advice is sought from our accountant, to ensure repayments comply with regulations.

A proposal was made to approve repayment, with the appropriate actions to meet HMRC regulations. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/105. To retrospectively approve the costs of £492.18 plus VAT to publish the graveyard audit notification in the Swindon Advertiser. (As required before the inspection).

A proposal was made to approve £492.18 plus VAT to publish the graveyard audit notification in the Swindon Advertiser. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/106. To approve costs of around £441.46 plus VAT as approved by the EGPA committee for 2 new bins for the Castle View play area, which includes possible ground fixing kits. £185 from 2022/23 budgeted funds and remainder (around £256.46) from unallocated funds.  

A proposal was made to approve £441.46 plus VAT for 2 new bins for the Castle View play area. £185 from 2022/23 budgeted funds and remainder (£256.46) from unallocated funds. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/107. Consider and vote on moving all remaining funds from Santander to Unity.

Cllrs suggested seeing if Unity provide a sweeping service, to help manage the amounts held within the current and savings account.

A proposal was made to move all remaining funds from Santander to Unity and delegate the Clerk and RFO to review and decide best levels for the current and savings accounts, to maximise interest. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/108. Consider and vote on moving some of the council’s funds to a form of savings/investment account – as recommended by the internal auditor.

A proposal was made to approve use of Unity’s savings account only to earn interest. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/109. To consider and vote on where to donate the remainder of the 2022/23 grant funds of £1015.60 before the year end.

A proposal was made to round up the remainder of grant funds to £1,500 (with a virement of £484.40 to come from unallocated) and to donate £500 to help set up a library in Chiseldon Primary School, £500 to Chiseldon Scouts Group and £500 to Chiseldon Guides. If the appropriate grant applications are not received by 31st March 2023, a virement to move these grant funds to 2023-24 is approved. However if the applications are not received by June 2023, the funds will be transferred back to unallocated. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/110. Approve the payment of the April 2023 graveyard inspection of £3000 to come from 2023/24 unallocated funds.  Originally approved to come from 2022/23 unallocated funds.

A proposal was made to approve graveyard inspection of £3000, to come from 2023/24 unallocated funds. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/111. To consider and vote on any virements of unspent 2022/23 funds to 2023/24 funds where projects are still in progress.

  • Solar powered lights for Strouds Hill – £3,000, from 2022-23 budget
  • 2 new SIDS for Hodson and Draycot Foliat – applications pending with SBC. £6100+VAT for the 2 remaining SIDS & £800+VAT for posts and install. Approved by planning committee: 21/95 & 21/96.
  • Unspent NHP funds allocated (or a portion of) – not grant funds which need to be spent or returned by 31st March – £9,991.45

A proposal was made to approve the virements above for unspent 2022/23 funds to 2023/24 funds. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/112. To consider and vote on quotes received for IT safety audit of office IT equipment.

A proposal was made to approve the quote from CIS Limited for £540 plus VAT. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/113. To approve costs of £40 plus postage for a new burial deeds book. (Full price £110).

A proposal was made to approve £40 plus postage for a new burial deeds book. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/114. Contracts: No items.

22/115. Items for the next agenda.  None.

The meeting closed at 20:18.


Clerk 22/48. Clerk to provide further information on what level any compensation should be set at and whether there is any precedence set/guidance, or advice from the ICCM. Clerk to advise what the maximum level covered in the insurance is. ICCM have no further advice on levels to set. Cllr Harris requested this becomes a confidential item. The Council discussed whether a policy is needed and requested a draft be created for the finance committee to review.

Clerk/RFO 22/104. Clerk/RFO to investigate HMRC regulations regarding re-payment and seek advice from our accountant, to ensure repayments comply with regulations.

Clerk 22/106. Clerk to buy bins for CVPA.

Clerk/RFO 22/109. Clerk/RFO to get grant applications from Chiseldon Primary School, Scouts and Guides Groups and pay grant awards.

Clerk 22/112. Clerk to book IT safety audit with CIS Limited.

Clerk 22/111. Clerk to supply amount for 2 new SIDS for Hodson and Draycot Foliat

RFO 22/107. RFO to investigate whether Unity provide a sweeping service, to help manage amounts held within the current/savings accounts and arrange for funds to be moved from Santander.