22/98. Approval of apologies given.

Absence with apologies: Cllr Jefferies has had a family bereavement. Cllrs Duke, Simpson and Bates are unwell. Cllr Barnes is in hospital. Cllr Ford is dealing with an urgent family issue.

Ward Cllr Gary Sumner also sent his apologies.

A proposal was made to approve these apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

32/99. Declarations of interest. None

22/100. Public recess. 6 members of the public.

  • Applicant of planning application for 1A High Street.  Noted the application had returned and CPC had it on the evenings agenda.  Noted CPC passed no comment last time this was heard.  He commented on the minor changes from the last application which can be viewed on the SBC planning portal.
  • 4 residents with regards to 12 John Alder Close revised planning application. Their objections remain. Loss of light. Proposal for dormers on rear windows. Issue with flue height. Not sufficient parking. Drawings not clear. Change of use needed for proposed workshop?

No further public comments.

22/101. Co-option of candidate James Whitehead as Councillor.

Mr Whitehead advised he is a local resident for many years who wants to get more involved in the community.  His past local experience includes working the washpool project.  The Clerk had previously confirmed that Mr Whitehead met the criteria required to become a Parish Cllr.

A proposal was made to co-opt Mr Whitehead as a Parish Cllr. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Whitehead signed the acceptance of office book and took his seat at the council table.

22/102. Approval of minutes from 12th December 2022. No changes

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/103. Action points from previous meeting.


22/7. Direct contact number/email for reports regarding the Firs site shared via weekly newsletter, community FB page and website. Clerk to advise Cllr Jefferies when does she need to provide details in time for this Fridays newsletter. NO UPDATE. WARD CLLR ELLIOTT IS AWARE.

22/96. Publicise Co-option document for 2 new Cllrs. DONE

Cllr Jefferies

20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update. NO UPDATE

22/104. Community Safety and police report.  Cllr Sunners

There were 22 crimes reported in the area in November.    The Wiltshire Police website has a good news section to use for updates.

After the Christmas drink/drug driving campaign 105 Swindon area residents were charged. Most arrests were drug driving related.

The PCC has named their preferred candidate. Elections are later in 2023.

Cllr Kearsey reports 13 vehicles over the speed limit at the last Community Speed Watch session at Mill Close.  Top speed recorded was 45mph.

22/105. Ward Cllrs reports. Ward Cllr Elliott for Chiseldon and Lawn Ward

The PCC’s report to SBC has been delayed until the new PCC is in office. The PCC is asking for a larger precept payment for 2023/24. Residents are encouraged to submit their views.

The recent spate of potholes had repairs delayed due to the tarmac supplier being closed over Christmas. WC Elliott will continue to work on local pothole issues.

There is a meeting with the Strategic Head of Highways soon. Trying to confirm whether Highways England have removed Chiseldon to Wroughton route as the M4 J15 diversion.

If this has been removed then there is a better chance of restricting HGV’s through the village.
Surveyors have carried out bore hole work on New Road to Burderop Barns junction. The road substructure is failing and so a top dressing of the road will not be sufficient as this will soon fail. The next meeting will discuss the options on how to sort the road issues and the timescales. This will require a complete rebuild of the road down to its foundations. Pressure will be kept on for this work and an update will follow.

The New Road build out removal is also pending.  The Clerk is to send over previous resident survey reports that they have carried out.

Ref HGV movement on roads with weight restrictions, Cllr Kearsey advised there is official guidance on how to report this so the companies concerned are legally dealt with.

The general lack of road markings across the borough has also been reported.

No update received from Ward Cllr Sumner.

22/106.  Approval of Policies

Complaints Policy

A proposal was made to approve this policy with no changes. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Equal Opportunities Statement.

A proposal was made to approve this statement with no changes. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/107. PLANNING.

Discuss and vote on application S/HOU/22/1757. 2 New Farm Cottages, The Ridgeway. Single storey rear and 2 storey side extension. Attached garage and hip to gable conversion.

A proposal was made to support this planning application. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/108. PLANNING.

Discuss and vote on application S/HOU/22/1408. 12 John Alder Close. Erection of single storey rear extension and 2 front and rear dormer windows.

Cllrs noted that the proposed extension is too large and dominates the host dwelling. There is a lack of parking. The SBC Local Plan states 3 spaces where this proposal only allows 1.  There are no other rear dormers in the street, so CPC would like to see velux used instead.  Chimney flue height should be to the highest section of the building. Possible building regs issue.

Possible issue with change of use requirement for the proposed workshop.

A proposal was made to object to this proposal for the reasons stated above. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/109. PLANNING. Discuss and vote on application S/COND/22/1302.

National Data Centre. Burderop.  Discharge of Condition 13 (Lighting Scheme) from permission S/21/1760 for Erection of a replacement Data Centre (containing data halls, associated electrical and AHU Plant Rooms, loading bay, maintenance and storage space, office administration areas and plant at roof level), emergency back-up generators and emission stacks, diesel tanks and filling area, electrical switchroom, a water sprinkler pump room and storage tank, a gate house, site access, internal access roads, hard/soft landscaping, and rainwater infiltration pond to allow for levels changes in two landscaped areas.

The ecology report with concerns over bats was noted. The perimeter fence will be illuminated the majority of the night. Within this dark area of the parish this is adding excessive light pollution.

A proposal was made to object to this proposal, supporting the comments of the ecology report. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/110. PLANNING.

Discuss and vote on application S/22/1696. Three Trees Farm Shop. Solar panels on roof.

A proposal was made to support this proposal The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/111. PLANNING.

Discuss and vote on application S/HOU/22/1776. 2 Manor View. Single storey rear extension.

A proposal was made to support this proposal. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/112. PLANNING.

Discuss and vote on application S/HOU/22/1516. Revised Retrospective. Sevimli. 1A High Street.  First floor extension and extension to garage.

A proposal was made to make no further comment. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

1 member of the public left at 20.19

22/113. PLANNING.  

Discuss and vote on application S/22/1268 Alpina, Marlborough Road. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 1 dwelling with detached garage and annex.  

This application was deferred to the 25th Jan planning meeting.

22/114. Quarterly review of year to date budget vs expenditure report.

Cllrs had received the report and the accompanying notes prior to the meeting. Large overspends and underspends were noted, but there were no issues or concerns.

22/115. Committee reports

Finance – Transaction reports review for December 2022.

A proposal was made that the December 2022 report was an accurate reflection of the councils transactions. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The January 2023 to date report was noted.

EGPA – Cllr Rogers. Table tennis fees were reduced to encourage more use. Not going ahead with solar panels on Chapel roof. The pay back is not cost effective at this time.

Planning – Cllr Kearsey. Nothing to report. Cllrs are urged to submit any apologies as soon as possible.

Finance – Cllr Harris. Underspends and overspends reviewed. No actions were taken.

Recreation Hall. No meeting. Confirmed the pre-planning app fee had been paid to SBC.

Risk Assessments – (Months are deleted from this report once all items are complete)

October assessments were: 

RFO and Admin officer, with RFO to complete.  DONE by RFO. No issues to report.

November assessments were:

SIDs. Hodson Road and Badbury. Requested this be carried out by Cllrs Kearsey and Jackson. Cllr Kearsey has completed Hodson Site. Handyman to do Badbury.

Millenium Wood – DONE by Handyman. No issues to report.

December assessments are:

Trees owned by CPC – volunteer needed please. With Handyman to complete.

Washpool ponds – Clerk to do with WARP committee. DONE. No new issues

Castle View Play area – volunteer needed please. Cllr Randall to complete.  COMPLETED – No issues.

January assessments are:

Recreation Field. With Handyman to complete

Recreation hall, grounds and carpark. With Handyman to complete

Correspondence feedback for Cllrs – None

22/116. Items for next agenda.    None

Cllr Jackson is going to report the poor road surface in Badbury to Ward Cllrs Elliott and Sumner.

Meeting closed 20.34


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


22/7. Direct contact number/email for reports regarding the Firs site shared via weekly newsletter, community FB page and website. Clerk to advise Cllr Jefferies when does she need to provide details in time for this Fridays newsletter.

22/105. Send WC Elliott the Build Out survey results from previous surveys

22/107-112. Report back to SBC with results of planning application votes.

Cllr Jefferies

20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update.

Cllr Jackson

22/116. Report poor road surface issues with WC Elliott and Sumner.