22/58. Apologies for absence: Cllr Jon Jackson (working). Absence without apologies: None.
A proposal was made to approve the absence with apologies. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/59. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations. None.
22/60. Public recess. None.
22/61. Approve the minutes from 6th September 2022. No changes.
A proposal was made to approve the minutes from 6th September as an accurate representation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/62. Action points
Clerk 21/96. Clerk to arrange how the funds are to be spent on improving further council events. Liaise with committee Chairman and VC. Pending – will be able to do when Npower send over their invoice for the electricity for the lights. (This is ref the excess on donations we received to fund the Xmas event). RFO to chase again. National issue. Ongoing. CLOSING ACTION DOWN. EXCESS CHARGES FROM NPOWER ON 2021 BILL MEANS THERE ARE NO EXCESS FUNDS TO USE.
Clerk 22/48. Clerk to provide further information on what level any compensation should be set at and whether there is any precedence set/guidance, or advice from the ICCM. Clerk to advise what the maximum level covered in the insurance is. ONGOING. NO PROGRESS MADE WITH THIS YET.
Clerk/RFO 22/49. Clerk/RFO to look into whether we can get free outdoor table tennis tables through the table tennis association. DONE. NO FREE TABLES AVAILABLE. CAN GET A DISCOUNT ON A PURCHASE – INFO ALREADY EMAILED TO CLLRS.
RFO/Clerk 22/53. RFO/Clerk to provide work patterns for office opening hours review. DONE.
22/63. Review of office opening hours by Clerk and RFO. Original hours prior Covid were 6 hours per week.
A proposal was made to approve office opening hours to pre-covid levels of 6 hours per week. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/64. Review & possible approval of VoiP systems to allow office phone to be re-directed to mobile phones.
A proposal was made to approve the Andrews & Arnold/Phone Co-op voip line, to enable phone calls to be answered on Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm and Friday 9am-1pm. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/65. CONFIDENTIAL ITEM. Review & approve NJC proposed pay increase on Spinal points for staff salaries, to be backdated to April 2022. This is to include back pay from CPC into NEST pension scheme.
A proposal was made to approve the proposed pay award by the NJC, to backdate the pay award to April 2022 and to include all back pay from CPC into NEST pension scheme. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/66. Approval of the expenditure of an amount of unallocated funds from 2022/23 budget on Coronation event – bookings services and utilities etc.
Cllr’s proposed to allocate £3,500 to a Coronation event and requested the Clerk/RFO to try and seek funding to match this amount.
A proposal was made to approve a virement of £3,500 from unallocated funds for a Coronation event. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/67. Consider change of grant fund usage from the memory café organisers ref £50 payment for printing costs. Original grant specified hall hire only. (The grant contains the funds to make this payment)
A proposal was made to approve a change of grant fund usage for the memory café organisers, to allow a payment of £50 payment for printing costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/68. Consider purchase of a spare set of pads for the defibrillator costing £99.00 plus VAT. So a set is always available should a device be used.
A proposal was made to approve purchase of a spare set of pads for the defibrillator costing £99.00 plus VAT. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/69. Approval of EGPA vote of £3000 from unallocated funds on professional graveyard safety review and report.
A proposal was made to approve £3000 from unallocated funds for a professional graveyard safety review and report. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/70. Approval of EGPA vote for £185 to be spent on Christmas trees for New Road site.
A proposal was made to approve the EGPA vote for £185 to be spent on Christmas trees for the New Road site. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/71. Approval of EGPA vote for £116.59 to be spent on poppy signs for lampposts for Remembrance day. (to be used year on year)
A proposal was made to approve the EGPA vote for £116.59 to be spent on poppy signs for lampposts for Remembrance day. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/72. Approval of EGPA vote for £79.80 on a willow tree for the Jubilee Planting event scheduled in Summer 2022.
A proposal was made to approve the EGPA vote for £79.80 on a willow tree for the Jubilee Planting event. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/73. Approval of EGPA vote to move the 2022/23 budget item of £500 to re-paint the Chapel doors into allocated funds, and allocate further budget in 2023/24.
A proposal was made to approve the EGPA vote to move the 2022/23 budget item of £500 to re-paint the Chapel doors into allocated funds, and allocate further budget in 2023/24. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/74. Consider and vote on grant request from Chiseldon and Wroughton netball club.
A proposal was made to approve a grant of £400 to Chiseldon and Wroughton netball club. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/75. Consider and vote on Sanders quote of £390.00 one off costs plus £30.00 monthly to create a meetings diary page.
Cllr’s voted to approve the diary page but would like to review usage stats in 6 months/ 1 year, to check whether it’s being used and review if value for money.
A proposal was made to approve Sanders quote of £390.00 one off costs plus £30.00 monthly to create a meetings diary page. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/76. Consider and vote on whether to purchase Cyber Crime insurance cover of £319.20. See additional information
Cllr’s requested to move this item to the next meeting. Cllr’s would like to review what we currently have in place and see if it meets the requirements for this insurance. Cllr Ford to visit Clerk and RFO in the office one day to review.
22/77. Consider and vote on payment of £60.00 as a donation to the Royal British Legion in lieu of purchasing new wreaths. (Wreaths being recycled from last year)
A proposal was made to approve payment of £60.00 as a donation to the Royal British Legion in lieu of purchasing new wreaths. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/78. Brief overview of viewing transactions, and cost centre postings on Xero. (To assist with the budget vs expenditure reporting) RFO to lead session on office monitor.
Cllr’s were given a brief demo of Xero. RFO to add Cllr Kearsey onto Xero, to enable access to detailed finance information.
22/79. To consider & vote on a budget for the Clerk to purchase either a speaker or amplifier for use at public events where music/microphones are required.
A proposal was made to approve a max budget of £250 for the Clerk to purchase either a speaker or amplifier for use at public events. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/80. To consider and vote quotes from Solicitors for the completion of the Land Registry re-registration of Castle View Play area. See additional information
A proposal was made to approve the quote from Awdry Bailey Douglas for £400-£500 plus VAT and disbursements. (Such as Land Registry fees estimated to be £20-100). The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/81. Review budget requests received so far from Committees for 2023/24 budget.
- EGPA CVPA/MUGA. Funds to be put aside for a future project. Project not necessarily completed in 2023/24 financial year. £12,000. (Approved and added to budget).
- EGPA Funds to stop parking on green area at Castle View Road near school. Bollards, rocks, planting etc. £1,500. (Approved and added to budget).
- EGPA Funds towards the refurbishment or replacement of windows at the Chapel and Museum – Project not necessarily completed in 2023/24 financial year. £1,000. (Approved and added to budget).
- Rec Ground Improvement Committee – additional funds into the Reserved Funds for the project to improve the ground and building – £15,000. (Approved, but increased to £20,000 as per item 22/82).
- Planning Committee – Further £3,000 for the purchase of a further Speed Indicator Device. (Approved, but increased to £3,200, as per item 22/82).
- Finance committee – none
A proposal was made to approve committee budget requests received for 2023/24 budget. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/82. Initial review of budget and suggested precept for 2023/24
Cllr’s noted spend against the Rec Hall improvement project is set to significantly increase next year as the project progresses.
A proposal was made to approve an increase of £5.0k to the £15.0k approved Rec Hall improvement budget item (total £20.0k), to increase the precept on the draft budget by £5.0k to £160.0k, to amend the Chapel/Museum windows in the draft budget to £1.0k (as per item 22/81), and to retain £3.2k in draft budget for proposed new SID. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. Once these changes are made, the budget can be proposed to full council for approval.
22/83. Contracts: No items.
22/84. Items for the next agenda. None
The meeting closed at 20:57.
Clerk 22/48. Clerk to provide further information on what level any compensation should be set at and whether there is any precedence set/guidance, or advice from the ICCM. Clerk to advise what the maximum level covered in the insurance is.
Clerk/RFO 22/66. Clerk/RFO to seek funding of £3,500 to go towards funding the Coronation event.
Cllr Ford 22/76. Cllr Ford to visit Clerk/RFO in the office to review current protection in relation to the cybercrime insurance cover.
RFO 22/78. RFO to add Cllr Kearsey onto Xero to enable access to detailed finance information.
RFO 22/82. RFO to amend proposed budget to reflect all the items approved in 22/81 and 22/82.