22/65 Approval of apologies given

Apologies: None given Non-attendance with no apologies: Cllr Patel, Cllr Simpson.

22/66. Declarations of Interest.


Public Recess


22/67. Approval of minutes from 25th August 2022.

No changes.
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/68. Action points from previous meeting.

Clerk 20/122. Engage with SBC Highways on cost of removing the Build Out. SBC have confirmed that this item will be on the list for consideration for inclusion in the 2023 work program. Have asked Ward Cllr Jefferies to follow this up as this doesn’t guarantee the work can be done. Part of the agenda for this meeting. CLOSING THIS ACTION. NEW ACTION TO BE RAISED IF REQUIRED.

Clerk 21/73 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to assist with the provision of traffic lights on New Road/A346. See minute item for details. No progress with this, will ask WC Jefferies to follow up. Part of the agenda for this meeting. CLOSING THIS ACTION. NEW ACTION TO BE RAISED IF REQUIRED.

Clerk 22/61. Add updated information for solar lighting for Strouds Hill for next meeting in September. DONE

Clerk 22/62. Get feedback from Cllr Jefferies on road safety issue at A346/New Road before the next meeting. Part of the agenda for this meeting. CLOSING THIS ACTION. NEW ACTION TO BE RAISED IF REQUIRED.

Clerk 22/63. Report back to Finance committee on 2023/24 budget request. DONE

Clerk 22/64. Add New Road resurfacing item to next agenda and ask Ward Cllrs for any feedback before the meeting that can be discussed. DONE

Cllr Kearsey 22/57-59. Reply to SBC with votes on planning applications. DONE

22/69. PLANNING.

Discuss & Vote on S/HOU/22/1228 Erection of a single storey rear extension and 4no dormer windows. At: 3 Dairy Road, Chiseldon Swindon SN4 0QE

A proposal was made to reply with no objection. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/70. PLANNING.

Discuss & Vote on S/COND/22/1302 Discharge of Condition 13 (Lighting Scheme) from permission S/21/1760 for Erection of a replacement Data Centre (containing data halls, associated electrical and AHU Plant Rooms, loading bay, maintenance and storage space, office administration areas and plant at roof level), emergency back-up generators and emission stacks, diesel tanks and filling area, electrical switchroom, a water sprinkler pump room and storage tank, a gate house, site access, internal access roads, hard/soft landscaping, and rainwater infiltration pond to allow for levels changes in two landscaped areas. At: National Data Centre, Old Burderop Hospital Site Burderop Wroughton Swindon

A proposal was made to reply with no objection subject to any further comments being received from SBC. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/71. PLANNING.

Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published. Application S/22/1360 received. Erection of a stretch tent, Calley Arms.

A proposal was made to reply with no comment. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/72. Neighbourhood Plan.

Cllr Kearsey gave an update on the NHP, there is a walkaround next week followed by a meeting with our consultant Andrea Pellegram. We are now at the stage of needing to draft the first document with Andrea.

22/73. HIGHWAYS.

Solar lighting street light at Strouds Hill. £3000 in current year’s budget to fund this item.

The updated information received was reviewed.

After a discussion the Procure option with their own installation was felt to be the best solution for the site.

A proposal was made to purchase the Procure solar lights (x2) at a total cost of £3071,00 which includes carriage, installation and labour. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/74. HIGHWAYS.

Approval of £88.50 for the purchase of a battery charger for the SID on Hodson Road.

A proposal was made to approve this purchase from Stocksigns, the supplier of the SID. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/75. HIGHWAYS.

Discussion on how to advance with regards to junction at A346/New Road and road safety.

A discussion was held on self-funding this project using CIL or S106 funds (to note the council doesn’t hold any of these funds at the present time)

Would National Highways get involved as they manage the A346?

It was confirmed that a petition would not provide the weight needed as even if it were discussed at a SBC council meeting, there would still be no emphasis on making a decision.

It was decided to ask residents to contact Ward Cllr Jefferies with their concerns over the junction so Ward Cllr Jefferies can continue to push for works to be done with SBC Highways. Each email/letter can be logged on Members Hotline, along with information Ward Cllr Jefferies has from the

police stating their safety concerns with regards to the junction.

The Clerk is to draw up a notice and publicise asking for residents’ support with this.

22/76. HIGHWAYS.

New Road resurfacing requirements.

Ward Cllr Jefferies has a meeting with SBC Highways in October to discuss this matter. All New Road issues will be addressed at this time. The Clerk is to give Ward Cllr Jefferies the information collated several years ago that showed residents were in favour of re-surfacing even if it meant road closures and diversions during this time.

Ward Cllr Jefferies will report back to the committee after this meeting.

22/77. HIGHWAYS.

Discussion on New Road safety.

It was confirmed that SBC will pass any safety issues to the police unless there is a fatality.

CPC cannot install a SID on the site until the New Road Build Out is removed. (Permission was refused when requested to install the SID on this basis)

It was confirmed that persistent dangerous parking should be reported to the police on 101 and the same incident log used each time so that the issue is escalated within the police.

The Clerk is to re-send the list drawn up of all known traffic issues within the Parish to the committee Cllrs. We need to arrange a meeting with Philip Martlew at SBC Highways. We need to see if there are any CIL or S106 funds due to be released that can be used for these projects.

Speedwatch volunteers report no real issues with speeding between Well Close and the Patriots Arms roundabout. The worst area is between the Build Out and the A346 with one vehicle recorded at 57mph.

Cllr Rawlings left the meeting at 20.12

The Speedwatch results are sent to the police. 2 letters are written after speeding is recorded on 2 occasions and on the third occasion the police will make a house visit. 0.4% of vehicles monitored are reported to the police.

It was suggested the road may have become busier but not necessarily faster?

Cllr Kearsey is to provide some information to the Clerk on Speedwatch stats for Facebook and Ridgeway Bell etc.


No items

It was however suggested to contact our layby Contractor to ask if they could liaise with SBC and do the work required to remove the Build Out? The Clerk is to enquire.

22/79. Budget ideas for 2023/24

Further item of £3000 for further SID purchases approved as the only item required.

22/80. Items for the next agenda.

The Clerk is to keep Ward Cllr Jefferies updated on issues with regard any works delayed by SBC.

Meeting closed at 20.25

Next meeting: Thursday 27th October 2022 7.30pm. At the Old Chapel, Butts Road, Chiseldon.


Clerk 22/73. Arrange purchase and installation of solar lights from Procure.

Clerk 22/74. Arrange for purchase of battery charger for SID.

Clerk 22/75. Draw up public notice asking for support with New Road/A346 traffic lights.

Clerk 22/76. Provide Ward Cllr Jefferies with information collated on New Road re-surfacing from residents.

Clerk 22/77. Re-send list of all known traffic issues to Committee Cllrs.

Clerk 22/77. Ask SBC if there are any S106 or CIL funds due to arrive.

Clerk 22/78. Contact our layby Contractor to ask if he can arrange New Road Build Out with SBC.

Clerk 22/79. Notify Finance Committee of £3000 request for a further SID requested from 2023/24 budget

Clerk 22/80. Update Ward Cllr Jefferies on Highways project delayed by SBC

Cllr Jefferies 22/76. Report back to Planning committee after SBC Highways meeting with Philip Martlew.

Cllr Kearsey 22/77. Provide Clerk with Speedwatch data for Social Media.

List of CPC planning application votes

Application and property CPC decision Date voted on
S/HOU/22/0497. Wheatley, High Street. 2 storey rear extension. Supported with conditions April 22
S/22/0556. Saracens, Turnball. Single storey rear extension & separate sun room. No objection April 22
S/22/0595 & S/LBC/22/0604. Change of use for Bothy on Burderop Estate to 1 dwelling. Includes listed building application. No objection April 22
S/22/0695. Burderop Park: Alterations to the mansion, Tudor wing and north wing to facilitate a change of use from offices to a dwelling and erection of a detached garage, plus alterations to the stable block, cottage/ restaurant and walled garden bothy without compliance with condition 2 (Approved Drawings) from previous consent S/LBC/20/1339. Approved May 22
S/HOU/22/07151 The Orchard, Chiseldon. Single storey rear extension. Front porch. Garage conversion to habitable space. Detached garage & increase in roof height & dormer window to rear. Approved May 22
S/AMEND/22/0657. Chiseldon Farm, Ypres Road. Draycot Foliat.  Provision of Use class B8 storage use in addition to Use classes B1(a) and B1(c)  – now both Use class E – and alterations to the approved elevations and floor plans of building 2 (former grain store) No objection May 22
S/HOU/22/0764 Single storey rear extension. 13 Sambre Road. Approved May 22
S/22/0814. National Data Centre, old Burderop Hospital Site, Wroughton. Construction of a temporary car park and 2 metre high fencing (retrospective) Supported with conditions June 22
 S/OUT/22/0796. Land to the rear of Staddlestones, Butts Road, Chiseldon.  Outline application for the erection of 1 self-build dwelling, & assoc infrastructure. Access not reserved. Rejected. Conditions listed in event of SBC approval. June 22
S/HOU/22/1054  9 Draycott Road. First floor front extension No objection July 22
S/HOU/22/0965. 48 Norris Close. Rear dormer window. No objection July 22
S/22/1008. Chiseldon Farm barns. Ypres Road. Draycot Foliat. Change of use & re-siting of menage. No vote. More info requested July 22
S/22/0741. Walled garden and Burderop Park. Tented structure for temp. residential accommodation (approx. 3 years) and thereafter a plant nursery office No objection July 22
S/HOU/22/1132. 23 Carisbrook Terrace. Alterations to front porch and single storey rear extension. No objection Aug 22
S/LBC/22/1113. Former Cottage/Restaurant Burderop Park. Alterations to the Cottage/ Restaurant building to internally re-order residential  unit RC04, re-introduce an entrance door on the north elevation of the former restaurant and re-introduce a window at first floor level of the former restaurant (amended proposals following listed building consent S/LBC/20/1339). No objection Aug 22
S/HOU/22/1228. 3 Dairy Road Chiseldon.  Single storey rear extension and 4 dormer windows.

Discussed again at Sept 22 meeting. No objection voted on again.

No objection Aug 22
S/COND/22/1302. Discharge of Condition 13 (Lighting Scheme) from permission S/21/1760 for Erection of a replacement Data Centre (containing data halls, associated electrical and AHU Plant Rooms, loading bay, maintenance and storage space, office administration areas and plant at roof level), emergency back-up generators and emission stacks, diesel tanks and filling area, electrical switchroom, a water sprinkler pump room and storage tank, a gate house, site access, internal access roads, hard/soft landscaping, and rainwater infiltration pond to allow for levels changes in two landscaped areas. At: National Data Centre, Old Burderop Hospital Site Burderop Wroughton Swindon. No objection unless there are further comments from SBC Sept 22
S/22/1360. Erection of a Stretch tent. Calley Arms No comment Sept 22