
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
  2. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted
  3. Public recess
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting 16th May 2022.
  5. Action Points
  6. Approve Washpool lease expansion area request from WARP. See additional information.
  7. Parishing progress – no items

Parish appearance & safety

  1. Washpool stream pollution issue. Ian Kearsey will be attending as a member of the public to provide an update.
    Chairman to propose vote to suspending Standing Orders for this item so Mr Kearsey can speak to the committee.
  2. Providing extra “wild” areas for pollinators across the parish. See additional information.
  3. Approval of tree planting for Jubilee by Gardening Club on Strouds Hill. See additional information.

Building & amenity priorities

Tennis club

  1. Tennis Club representative to update Committee

Football club

  1. Football Club representative to update Committee


  1. no items


  1. How to solve rabbit problem on site. See additional information.

Rec hall, ground & car park

  1. no items

Chapel and graveyard

  1. Discussion in regards to incorrect mortar used on outside Chapel walls – Item requested by Cllr Bates at May meeting.


  1. Community priorities – no items
  2. Vulnerable people – no items
  3. Items for inclusion on next agenda
    (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)