22/01. Apologies for absence:

Cllrs Chay Ford & Jon Jackson, both working. Apologies without absence: Cllr Danielle Simpson.

A proposal was made to approve the apologies with absence. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/02. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.


22/03. Public recess.


22/04. Approve the minutes from 8th March 2022.

No changes

A proposal was made to approve the minutes from 8th March as an accurate representation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/05. Action points



21/97. Investigate Clerk to arrange how the funds are to be spent on improving further council events. Liaise with committee Chairman and VC. Pending – will be able to do when Npower send over their invoice for the electricity for the lights. (This is ref the excess on donations we received to fund the Xmas event). Npower have not supplied invoice yet as there is a problem with a negative balance on our account. They are investigating and will contact RFO.how to spend the £2000 youth funds before Financial Year end to benefit the youth of the parish. Trying to arrange Scarrotts Fair for Easter, £1,000 budgeted for this. Ongoing. Scarrotts want to come along but there have been difficulties with communications. Clerk to keep chasing them.

21/105. RFO to provide answers to questions. DONE.
• Allotment act vs. bud – have we received less than expected and if so why? Linked to an incorrect burial posting in 2020 which inflated last year’s budget. Action: Can Clerk scan CCs once DATR report is compiled, prior to sending out, to double check costs have been allocated to the correct CCs?
• Recreation leases and rent shows nothing. Have we had rent for CVPA yet? New CVPA lease supersedes old one, with a new rental payment due, £1 per year. Obtaining contact for payment.
• Can we have each line numbered on the report to make it easier to find and discuss items? Done.
• Subscriptions – nothing against it. Why is the Bell subs not against it? Couldn’t add costs to that CC, so added to Finance: Website, Marketing, flyers & leaflets, advertisements instead. Action: Can we show the CCs budget items are allocated to on the budget file and this can be used as a guide to ensure costs go to the correct CC?

21/111. Judicial Review level of insurance cover. Cllrs would like to know 1) is it an insurable risk? 2) how much will it cost? 3) What cover will that provide? RFO/Clerk to investigate. Reply from insurance sent to Cllrs – Cllrs to tell us if they want us to investigate further or whether they are happy with cover levels as they are.

22/06. Vote to approve items 13 and 14 as confidential items.

The Chairman read the following statement:

Exempt items
Certain items are expected to include the consideration of exempt information Finance Committee is, therefore, recommended to resolve “That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded during the discussion of the matters referred to in the items listed below, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the respective paragraph of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information”.

A proposal was made to approve restriction of the confidential items. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/07. FINANCE. Review quotes from Sanders Webworks for further items suggested after Strategy meeting, for general website alterations & support work. Total one off costs and annual license renewal of £2,335 + VAT.

 A proposal was made to approve quotes from Sanders Webworks. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

It was also noted that regular charges would be increasing:

  • Hosting: £30 +vat per month
  • General website updates (2 hours per week): £75 +vat per month
  • Trending pages reporting: £12.50 +vat per month
  • Top searches reporting: £4.50 +vat per month

22/08. FINANCE. Approval of costs of £611.90 plus VAT from Procure Direct for solar lights for Chapel path. (Unallocated funds purchase). Approved by EGPA committee.

A proposal was made to approve the solar lights for Chapel path. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/09. FINANCE. Approve additional £129 for Jubilee tree guard due to costs of steel rising since quote received.

A proposal was made to approve the additional costs the tree guard. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/10. FINANCE. Approve delegated powers for Clerk to pay costs of Land Registry title searches as required.

A proposal was made to approve the delegated powers for Clerk to pay costs of Land Registry title searches as required. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/11. FINANCE. Approval to join the Institute of Crematoria and Cemetery Management at £95 per annum.

A proposal was made to approve joining the Institute of Crematoria and Cemetery Management at £95 per annum. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. Action: Can clerk complete the cemetery course?

22/12. FINANCE. Contracts

No items

HR – Confidential items.

22/13. HR. Approval of salary spinal point increase for Clerk.

A proposal was made to approve the salary spinal point increase and backdated pay to April 2021 for Clerk. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/14. HR. Approval of salary spinal point increase for Responsible Financial Officer and Admin Officer.

A proposal was made to approve the salary spinal point increase and backdated pay to April 2021 for Responsible Financial Officer and Admin Officer. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/15. Items for the next agenda.


The meeting closed at 19:58.



21/96. Clerk to arrange how the funds are to be spent on improving further council events. Liaise with committee Chairman and VC. Pending – will be able to do when Npower send over their invoice for the electricity for the lights. (This is ref the excess on donations we received to fund the Xmas event)

21/97. Investigate how to spend the £2000 youth funds before Financial Year end to benefit the youth of the parish. Trying to arrange Scarrotts Fair for Easter– ongoing. £1000 budgeted for this.

21/111. Judicial Review level of insurance cover. Cllrs would like to know 1) is it an insurable risk? 2) how much will it cost? 3) What cover will that provide? Reply from insurance sent to Cllrs – Cllrs to tell us if they want us to investigate further or whether they are happy with cover levels as they are.

21/105. Can Clerk scan CCs once DATR report is compiled, prior to sending out, to double check all monthly costs have been allocated to the correct CCs?

22/11. Clerk to complete the cemetery course.


21/105. Can RFO show the CCs budgeted items are allocated to on the budget file? Costs incurred against these items should then be allocated against the same CCs.