20/16 Approval of minutes from 10/12/2020
No changes and minutes were approved as accurate
20/17 Action Point review.
Mr D Blackstock
20/05 Investigate funding options. ONGOING
Ms E Gravestock
20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities ONGOING
20/10 Send an image of the parish to Rosie Griffiths so a list of sites can be mapped out. CLOSED AS PROVISIONAL SITE CHOSEN
20/06 Write to Swindon College again. DONE. NO REPLY. REMOVING ACTION DUE TO LOCKDOWN
20/12 Provide Rosie with a site map. DONE
20/12 Approach Memorial Hall Trust fund for grants DONE
20/12 Ask Alistair at Sustrans and SSE whether the bore hole work on the track has finished. DONE. ALL FINISHED
20/15 Invite Alistair at Sustrans to attend the next meeting. DONE
Rosie Griffith
20/10 Map out all potential sites with any pro’s and con’s listed. NO LONGER NEEDED
20/12 Follow up with the Landfill Tax grants to see if we can apply ONGOING
Memorial Hall Trust Fund update: Email received:
Paul and I have had an opportunity to discuss the outline proposal and would be happy to receive an application to the Trust for funding from the group concerned.
Are we right to assume that it is very early days in terms of the formal creation of the group and thus anything like a formal organisation and structure is work-in-progress?
Please note that the Trust has a principle of matched funding for grants.
Any well-structured project which is of benefit to the young in the village will be welcome news.
We look forward to hearing more in due course.
Action for Clair to ask the Memorial Hall Trust fund if the matching funding can be in the form of materials offered for
the job, or whether it must be funds in the bank.
Update from Rosie on Landfill grants:
Hill’s are the most local fund but have a 2 year waiting list currently.
Earthline may assist with some funding but can also provide the sub-base needed to build the track for free from their inventory. This is the procedure that Wroughton BMX track took to keep costs down.
It was agreed that accepting funding from Earthline at present was not appropriate due to their current planning applications being with the Government Inspectorate however when the project reached the build stage in 18 months/2 years’ time it may be appropriate then to accept the offer of free sub-base which is essentially a waste material.
Rosie is to talk to Crappers about grants and also register with Hills anyway to ensure we don’t miss out if the right opportunity arises. To also talk to Wiltshire Community Foundation, Biffa and Viridor.
20/18 Update from Alistair at Sustrans
The lease for the land on the railway path is up for renewal with SBC. He is waiting for a contact from SBC Property Services. Alistair is to chase this.
Sustrans would like to support the project providing the lease can be changed and a management supporting framework can be sorted successfully.
There are some concerns to be ironed out still: The size of the site, rubbish control and crossing the Ridgeway Road. All require consideration. This is currently a problem for Sustrans and Friends of the Path (FOTP) anyway so needs to be discussed as a group.
Both Sustrans and FOTP would support this site being used. Would ask that this working party go back to FOTP with the reasons why this site is currently preferred.
Alistair is to contact FOTP to get a current update from them on the plans so far.
With regards to the lease; part of the lease can either be leased to CPC or to the group themselves. Sustrans do not want long term responsibility or ownership of the track. There is also a preference for the lease to include the carpark area.
The group is to discuss this before a decision is made.
Sustrans have measured the proposed site and believe there is room for a decent facility.
Rosie advised at having talking to Wroughton BMX track they believed that if the track was built properly then maintenance is low. It was confirmed the vision is for a full tarmac track.
If the Parish Council indicate support to proceed then Sustrans will provide a letter of support for grant applications. Would need to organise SBC Property Services to start having lease discussions. Will let Clair know if help from the PC to chase SBC would be helpful.
Also need to start talking to funding sources with regards to the level of support we need.
Also to talk to track designers to find out how much it will cost to build a track on the proposed site.
Need to ensure emergency vehicle access. The carpark already provides this.
Suggested that we approach other sites with recommended tracks to find out who designed them and then approach these designers.
Clair to ask Alistair who owns the field adjacent to the proposed site.
There is a “Pump Track Directory” we can also look at
Business Tax on the land was asked after. Alistair doesn’t think there will be as they pay a peppercorn rent for the whole path area.
20/19. Presenting plans so far to Chiseldon Parish Council for support
Rosie and Emily will start to create a document showing what to present to CPC. Can share and edit as required.
20/20. Next Steps
Approach track builders via Jennifer at Wroughton
Look at funding in more detail
CPC has allocated £1000 from April 2021 for the group to use for promotional materials etc
Clair to update the Farm Shop and get their feedback
20/21. Items for next agenda
- Follow up on next steps in item 20/20
- Whether the carpark should be part of the lease and change of ownership
The meeting closed at 21.09
Darren Blackstock
20/05 Investigate funding options. ONGOING?
Emily Gravestock
20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities ONGOING
20/18 Go back to FOTP to explain why the proposed site has been chosen
20/21 Include items for next agenda for discussion.
20/18 Find out who owns field adjacent to the proposed site for communication purposes.
20/20 Update Farm Shop with proposed plan and ask for feedback
Chay and Melanie
20/18 Approach sites with good track design to find out what company designed them. List to be compiled of good track designers. Also look at the “Pump Track Directory”.
Rosie Griffith & Emily Gravestock
20/19 Create a presentation for CPC to gain their support for the plan.
Rosie Griffith
20/20 Continue to look at funding sources
20/20 As Jennifer at Wroughton for details of their track builder and approach them to ask after procedure for obtaining a quote.