- Vote on new Chairman of the committee for the forthcoming year
- Vote on new Vice Chairman if required for the committee for the forthcoming year
- Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately. Vote on approval of apologies.
- Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.
- Public Recess. 10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.
- Approval of minutes from 29th April 2021
- Action points.
- Discuss & vote on requesting SBC review planning app S/HOU/21/0479 for the Methodist Chapel on Turnball at a Planning meeting rather than leaving decision to the officer.
- Discuss & vote on S/HOU/21/0751 Single storey rear extension, velux windows and rendering garage walls. Saracens, Turnball.
- Discuss & Vote on S/21/0544. Change of use for Barn. Chiseldon Farm, Ypres Road.
- Discuss and vote on S/HOU/21/0645. 4 Tatley Walk. Single storey rear extension, single/2 storey side extension, front porch, front canopy, extension to garage and boundary wall and fence.
- Discuss and vote on S/LDP/21/0648. Certificate of lawfulness for detached garden building. 16 Cambrai Road. (Not a statutory consultation with the PC)
- Discuss and vote on S/HOU/210785. 5 Cambrai Road. Single storey rear extension.
- Discuss and vote on S/LBC/21/0876. 16 Badbury Lane. Resurfacing of existing parking area & installation of new boiler. Retrospective application.
- Discussion & vote on exact location for proposed New Road SID installation. See additional documentation.
- Discussion & vote on where to place the further two ground anchors to hold the Hodson Road SID when it is moved to a new location. See additional documentation.
- Discuss & vote on SID to purchase for New Road. See additional documentation.
- No items
- Items for next agenda
(Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)