20/111. Declarations of Interest. Cllr D Rogers lives in Badbury so will not vote on the planning application within Badbury. Item 20/116

Public Recess: no public

20/112. Approval of minutes from 25th February 2021. No changes

A proposal to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting once the above amendment is made was proposed by Cllr D Rogers, seconded by Cllr Duke and a majority of Cllrs in favour.

20/113. Action points from previous meeting.

Action Points


20/60 & 20/61 Chase contractor for update on quote for Draycot Foliat layby work. ASKED WARD CLLR JEFFERIES TO CHASE SBC.

20/77  Clerk to also chase Ward Cllrs on hedge cutting on New Road and contact SBC direct to ensure that they advise the landowner of their responsibilities. DONE. HEDGES CUT

20/86 & 20/97 Download data from Hodson Road SID. Add generic SID discussion to March planning agenda. ONGOING

20/98 Schedule final review of New Road survey once paper
questionnaires are delivered and returned. ADDED TO APRIL AGENDA

20/104 Download most recent New Road survey from Mail Chimp. DONE

20/105/106/107/108 Reply to SBC on planning app decisions.DONE

20/110 Follow up item on New Road hedges not yet cut. DONE

20/114. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/LDP/2/0382/PEKO. 5 Strouds Hill. Certificate of lawfulness. Rear extension.

A proposal to reply with no objection was made by Cllr Duke, seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs in favour.

20/115. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on S/OUT/20/0772. Saddlestones. New dwelling. Appeal with inspectorate.

Cllrs agreed with the SBC officers reports. Proposal is outside village envelope. There are access issues to the site.

A proposal to reply to the Planning Inspectorate with objection & supporting comments was made by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs in favour. Cllr Kearsey will work with the Clerk on  the reply to the inspectorate.

20/116. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on residents query on Berricot Lane development, requesting clarification with SBC.
After reviewing the request, it was proposed that no further action was required by the committee.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey that no further action is needed on this item. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr D Rogers did not vote.

20/117. PLANNING. Discussion only parking area plans for the Methodist Church, Turnball.

There are still some concerns over the stability of the ground for the property. SBC rejected the proposal in 2016. Does the parking plan fit the heritage aspect of the building/street? Would need assurance that there is no stability issues for the building and work would need  to be sympathetic to the building and the street. Would  suggest the original steps are re-used as part of the build. Would be safer for residents to have more vehicles off the street. The Committee would want to see assurances as to building stability and a suitable design proposal. Would like to see all old materials used where possible.

The Clerk will reply to the resident with the committee’s thoughts.

20/118. PLANNING. Discussion & Vote on S/21/0297. Burderop Park.

At the time of the meeting the information was not accessible on the SBC website however Cllrs had viewed the  information before the meeting.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to offer no objection to the application. Seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk and Cllr Kearsey will work on the reply to SBC.

20/119. PLANNING. Discussion & Vote on S/HOU/21/0290. Summer House. 9 Home Close

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to offer support to the application. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/120. PLANNING. Discussion & Vote on S/21/0326. Unicorn Business Park.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to offer support to the application. Seconded by Cllr Simpson and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/121. PLANNING. Discussion & Vote on S/21/0328. Dropped kerb end of Strouds Hill

A proposal was made by Cllr D Rawlings to offer support to the application. Seconded by Cllr Bates and the majority Cllrs were in favour.   

20/122. HIGHWAYS.  Discussion only on results from New Road Build Out survey.

Noted that:

  • Majority of residents who replied want it removed
  • The main issues are speeding to get through the Build Out, engine noise and danger to other road users
  • The Clerk reminded Cllrs that there is currently £6000 in the budget for changes to this layout.

Items for next agenda are:

  • Add to agenda, and also discussion about SID’s in general
  • Start discussions with SBC Highways.
  • Clerk to ask SBC Highways for costs for removal.
  • Cllrs to come to next meeting with ideas on how to proceed

It was also noted that after the hedges were cut on New Road, the verges are about 1 foot deep in debris. Needs SBC road sweeper to attend first and then possible SBC crew to dig out the verge.  Clerk to report to SBC.  Can go on future agenda if no SBC action taken.

20/123. TRANSPORT. No items

20/124. Items for the next agenda None



20/60, 20/61 Chase contractor for update on quote for Draycot Foliat layby work.  Ward Cllr Jefferies assisting with SBC meeting.

20/86 & 20/97 Download data from Hodson Road SID. Add generic SID discussion to April planning agenda.

20/98 Schedule final review of New Road survey once paper questionnaires are delivered and returned.

20/114, 20/115, 20/118, 20/119, 20/120, 20/121 Reply to SBC and Planning Inspectorate with replies on planning apps and appeals. Cllr Kearsey to assist where noted on the minutes.

20/117 Reply to resident with committee views on their proposals.

20/122 Add items to April agenda in regards to New Road Build Out & SIDs.   Engage with SBC Highways on cost of removing the Build Out.


20/122 Come to April meeting with ideas on the New Road Build Out changes