20/90. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Duke lives in Draycot Foliat so will not vote on the disabled parking bayissue.
Public Recess: no public
20/91. Approval of minutes from 26th November 2020. No changes
A proposal to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting was made by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs in favour.
20/92. Action points from previous meeting.
20/83, 20/84 Reply to SBC with outcome of votes for planning applications & consultations DONE
20/60, 20/61 Contact Mr Walton to see if he can assist with contacts for
20/74 Cllrs Planning application guide – add templates to this document for how to reply to SBC. DONE. DOCUMENT IN CIRCULATION
20/75 Contact SBC to advise that CPC still feel the dip in The Canney pavement could pose a slip hazard in winter. DONE. PHOTO EVIDENCE OF FLOOD PROVIDED. SBC TO DO WORK TO MINIMISE WATER COLLECTION
20/85 Create and publish online survey and arrange for paper survey to be created. ONLINE SURVEY PUBLISHED, STILL NEED PAPER SURVEY TO BE COMPLETED.
20/77 Re-send letter to SBC noting that New Road needs to be closed to be re-surfaced and that residents support this. Clerk to also chase Ward Cllrs on hedge cutting on New Road and contact SBC direct to ensure that they advise the landowner of their responsibilities. NEW ROAD LETTER CHISELDON PARISH COUNCIL SENT, NEED TO FOLLOW UP ON NEW ROAD HEDGE CUTTING
20/86 Download data from Hodson Road SID. Add generic SID discussion to Jan planning agenda. Add Hodson SID discussion for March 2021. NOT YET DONE DUE TO COVID LOCKDOWN. CARRY FORWARD DATA REVIEW.
20/93. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/20/1663. Change of use of barn to café/restaurant and wedding venue. Overtown Farm.
A proposal to reply supporting this application but requesting a review of the 15 parking spaces was made by Cllr A Rogers, seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs in favour.
20/94. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on transfer of land to Parish Council ownership adjacent to Berricot Lane site approved for new dwellings.
It was noted that “double taxation” should be avoided by residents of this proposed new site, as if a Management Company were to manage the land, they would pay a fee, as well as paying their precept.
CPC can protect the land so it will not be built on. Can also keep the pond in a good state of repair. Was noted that the current landowner plans to sow the area with meadow flowers before signing over ownership.
It was suggested the PC request: Agreeing to take over the land. Appropriate fencing with gate around the pond or a £2000 contribution so CPC can do this. A sum of £2000 per year for 5 years be provided by the current landowner for general maintenance and provisions in the area.
A proposal was made by Cllr A Rogers to approve the conditions above. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr D Rogers did not vote.
20/95. HIGHWAYS. Discuss & vote on providing a disabled parking bay at proposed improved parking area at Draycot Foliat.
A resident’s letter objecting to this proposal was read out.
It was noted that SBC would not create a disabled parking space in this area as the area is not classed as a residential parking area. It does not meet the criteria for a disabled space.
The committee were told that 4 other residents in the area objected to this proposal although the PC has not heard from these residents direct. There are 10 spaces at present for the 6 homes in this area. Removing one solely for disabled parking puts other residents at a disadvantage. There has to be a certain amount of onus on a person choosing to live in a location appropriate to their needs.
There was no proposer to take this item to vote.
20/96. HIGHWAYS. Parking issue at T junction at Manor Rise. Double Yellow Lines (DYL) requested
Resident reported concerns over repeated parking on T junction which will mean emergency vehicles cannot access the street.
DYL should always be a last resort as it pushes a parking issue elsewhere. Should first consider a note to any drivers parking in this location; asking the police to talk to any offenders and leafletting properties in the area reminding them not to park in areas that may impede emergency vehicles.
This will be added to the agenda in 2 months (March) for a review. The resident will be asked to keep reporting any issues to the PC.
A proposal was made by Cllr Bates on the above course of action. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour
20/97. HIGHWAYS. Review of Speed Indicator Devices within the Parish
Deferred to March meeting for when Hodson Road figures are available.
20/98. HIGHWAYS. New Road Build Out survey feedback
On-line survey results – 81 responses so far. 46 responders want to see the Build Out removed.
The majority of these want an alternative speed calming method in its place.
Will now wait for results of the paper survey for a further review. Add to next applicable agenda.
20/99. TRANSPORT. No items
20/100. Items for the next agenda
No items
Meeting closed at 20.22
Action Points
20/60 & 20/61 Chase contractor for update on quote for Draycot Foliat layby work.
20/85 Arrange for paper survey to be created & delivered.
20/77 Clerk to also chase Ward Cllrs on hedge cutting on New Road and contact SBC direct to ensure that they advise the landowner of their responsibilities.
20/86 & 20/97 Download data from Hodson Road SID. Add generic SID discussion to March planning agenda.
20/93 Advise SBC on decision of planning application
20/94 Advise SBC on decision of committee re land adjacent to Berricot Lane.
20/96 Advise resident on decision from this item ref parking at T junction at Manor Rise
20/98 Schedule final review of New Road survey once paper questionnaires are delivered and returned.