20/12. Discussion with Friends of the Path.(FOP)

Key points noted:

  • FOP assist Sustrans with maintenance and work days on the old railway track which is part of the 45 cycle network. It’s an informal arrangement and Alistair Millington is on their committee.
  • Sustrans cover any legal element of work, and if they have work planned they advise Sustrans who get approval etc
  • They have a very positive working relationship with Sustrans
  • Sustrans are also a charity. They have their own objectives for walking and cycling improvements on the track.
  • They encourage cycling and make sure new developments/roads have a cycling provision.
  • FOP would support this project in general.
  • FOP try to enhance the natural environment, the path in question had a medium level of diversity when the last ecology survey was carried out.
  • It was noted that Matthew Griffith, local tree surgeon had informally assessed the site and advised the work could be done in harmony with the existing trees. He was confident that the project would work in this area and preserve the bio-diversity of the site.
  • FOP can assist with fund raising for this scheme and said that the North Wessex Downs AONB are proficient fundraisers also. They could possibly help with the fund raising.
  • FOP will assist when the time comes to fund raise for the project.
  • FOP believes the site is big enough – at least 15 metres wide it is estimated.

Clair will provide Rosie Griffith with a site map and Rosie will ask Jennifer at Wroughton’s track for the name of their track builder so we can approach them to determine if the site is large enough.

Chris suggested contacting the Memorial Hall Grant – Clair is to do this as she the contacts there.

Rosie is to look at the Landfill tax options further for funding.

Dick noted that the Landfill tax grants are good but often require evidence of match funding so may have to approach other schemes first such as the Memorial Hall Grant.

It was noted that Nationwide do match funding for events held.

Clair is to follow up with Alistair and SSE on whether the work on the bore holes has finished.

20/13 Approval of minutes from 3/11/2020  No changes and minutes were approved as accurate

20/14 Action Point review.


Mr. D Blackstock

20/05 Investigate funding options. ONGOING
20/06  Contact Wroughton cycle track user for information- CLOSED

Ms E Gravestock

20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities ONGOING
20/10 Send an image of the parish to Rosie Griffiths so a list of sites can be mapped out. ONGOING.


20/09 Update TOR with required changes.  DONE
20/05 Contact landowner in regards to land behind Washpool. DONE BUT NO REPLY. CLOSING AS SITE NOT CURRENTLY OF INTEREST.
20/06 Write to Swindon College again. DONE. NO REPLY
20/10 Find out from Sustrans who owns the land near the Farm Shop DONE

Rosie Griffith

20/10 Map out all potential sites with any pro’s and con’s listed. ONGOING

 20/15. Items for next agenda  Invite Alistair from Sustrans to the Feb meeting.


Mr D Blackstock
20/05 Investigate funding options. ONGOING

Ms E Gravestock
20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities ONGOING
20/10 Send an image of the parish to Rosie Griffiths so a list of sites can be mapped out. ONGOING.

20/06 Write to Swindon College again. DONE. NO REPLY
20/12 Provide Rosie with a site map
20/12 Approach Memorial Hall Trust fund for grants
20/12 Ask Alistair at Sustrans and SSE whether the bore hole work on the track has finished.
20/15 Invite Alistair at Sustrans to attend the next meeting

Rosie Griffith
20/10 Map out all potential sites with any pro’s and con’s listed. ONGOING
20/12 Follow up with the Landfill Tax grants to see if we can apply.