20/127 Approval of Apologies given:

Cllr D Rogers could not attend due to building work at her home, Cllr Duke could not attend due to broadband issues, and Cllr McDonald could not attend due to work commitments due to Covid19. Cllr Rawlings is a late arrival.

Cllr Kearsey proposed these apologies be accepted. Cllr Bates seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. WC Mattock also sent his apologies.

20/128 Public recess.

No public.

20/129 Co-option of New Cllr.

No candidates

20/130 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.


20/131 Approval of minutes from 12th October 2020

No changes

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that these minutes were accurate. Seconded by Cllr Jefferies, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/132 Action points:


20/111 Ask handyman to install door stops at Rec hall for new door. DONE

20/111 Request written confirmation from Allbuild that Rec Hall doors are secure without steel frames. DONE AND RECEIVED.

20/119 Update Standing Orders with new addition ref meeting duration. DONE

20/121 Reply to SBC planning ref app S/HOU/20/0813. DONE

20/122 Add to Oct Planning agenda the New Road build out consultation DONE

Cllr Jefferies

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. WON’T BE SURVEYED UNTIL AFTER COVID AS NO SITE VISITS BEING CARRIED OUT BY SBC.

Cllrs Harris & Rawlings

20/65 Chase up request to South Swindon Police for speed enforcement checks on Hodson Road. TO ASK CLLR RAWLINGS AS CLLR HARRIS HAS NOT MADE ANY PROGRESS *

*It was noted that community speedwatch had been suspended during November lockdown.

20/133 Community Safety report, including crime stats.

Cllr Sunners

Sept crimes in Swindon – 1482. In Chiseldon Parish there were 16, which included 8 fuel drive-offs.
Wiltshire Police are looking to revitalise neighbourhood policing and are hoping for an increases presence.
The Marlborough Road bus shelter and Strouds Hill information board have both been repaired.
There will be a new Police Commissioner come the May 2021 election. Everyone is urged to look at the candidate choices and use their vote.

Cllr Rawlings joined the meeting at 19.40

20/134 Ward Cllrs update. Ward Cllr Jefferies for Chiseldon & Lawn Ward.

Has chased the solar lighting for DF at the dept head level. Should hear by the end of this week. In 2021 there will be some work at the Chiseldon Firs traveller site. The law has required upgrades to be put in place. This does not mean there are new tenants planned for the site.
Manor Rise pavements and road finally completed
M4 J15 road closures this week but at night
SBC has funds for those affected due to lockdown 2. Anyone can apply if they meet the criteria. Thanked Clerk and Administration Officer for their work on feeding the parish using grants and donations.

The Windmill Piece and DF parking query is still ongoing. The Clerk advised that an SBC Officer had come back with an offer of assistance and a MS Teams call with all parties to discuss further the options available.

Ward Cllr Sumner from Ridgeway Ward covering Badbury.

J15 roadworks – signage for Badbury is in place for the overnight closures. This will point to the Ridgeway Road and not the village route.
The traffic regulation order for the “no right turn” is in progress. Scheduled for Jan 2021.
There will be some Badbury road works in 2021. Carriageway replacement on west of village for 150 metres. M4 bridge side will have 220 metres resurfaced. Funds have been found for these from an outside source.
Openreach meeting. WC Sumner and MP Robert Buckland met with Openreach. The gigabit fibre scheme is still going ahead. Just under £1 million is needed for the scheme to make it viable. There will be a further update in a few weeks. This is NOT Cityfibre.
WC Sumner asked to pass back to SBC that when they say “Swindon” will have an update, that they are talking about the outlying villages also so need to be clear on what areas they are referring to.

Ward Cllr Sumner leaves 20.03

20/135. Update on CVPA from Clerk

Risk assessments show no new extra risk. Area is tidy and bins emptied on schedule. Cllrs were happy for the area to remain open pending the next monthly review.

20/136. Banning Chinese lanterns and helium balloons from Parish land.

This has come from a request from SBC as they will shortly be voting to ban these from SBC owned land.

Cllr Harris proposed that the proposal to ban Chinese lanterns and helium balloons from parish land be approved. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/137 Approval of New/Updated Council policies

Policies are:
Sickness and Absence, Reserves, Grants and Donations.

The sickness and absence policy needs to be adjusted to show what happens to staff pay before the mandatory SSP is paid. Clerk to update this.
Cllr Jefferies proposed the approval of the Sickness and absence Policy with this amendment. Cllr Kearsey seconded & all Cllr in favour.

The Reserves policy needs adjusting to show that 50% of precept will be kept in reserves. The last paragraph is to be removed and the paragraph with dates on will be updated to remove any specifics on year

Cllr Kearsey proposed the approval of Reserves Policy with the above changes. Cllr Sunners seconded & all Cllrs in favour.

Cllr Sunners proposed the approval of the Grants and Donations Policy. Cllr Rawlings seconded & all Cllrs in favour.

20/138. Proposal to allowed 2 hours of paid work by the Clerk to the BMX Working Party each month.

Cllr Sunners proposed the approval of 2 hours work each month by the Clerk to this group. Cllr Jefferies seconded & all Cllrs in favour.

20/139 PLANNING. Discuss and vote on planning application S/LBC/20/1084 Turnpike Cottage, Turnball. Installation of 2 patrice places for bar ties.

Cllr Rawlings proposed a reply of “in favour” for this application. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/140 FINANCE. Discussion & Vote of delegated powers for the Clerk to spend an amount of funds on Covid19 related supplies.

Cllr Harris proposed the Clerk have access to £250 for Covid supplies to spend as delegated powers. Cllr A Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/141 FINANCE Discuss and vote on provision of extra £2276.01 from unallocated funds to go towards the new play equipment at CVPA. (£12,000 in EGPA budget which is being used for this project)

Cllr Matt proposed the expenditure of £2276.01 from unallocated reserves towards the new play equipment. Cllr A Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/142 FINANCE. Approval of EGPA request for £60 for signage for cycling routes in the parish.

Signage required to advice on dismount points and also language used in a residential area. To go back to EGPA committee for final post to be signed off and locations to be specified. To come back to full council for approval.

20/143 Committee Reports

Finance – October 2020 financial reports-review & vote on approval.

No questions on this report.

Cllr Rawlings proposed approving the October finance figures as accurate. Cllr Sunners seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.


Nothing to report


Further planning permissions and work have occurred at Burderop Park.

Risk Assessments – October 2020

Clerks Job Description and Trees and hedges assessment both done. No issues.
For November: Chapel and Museum. Handyman. Cleaning (deferred as no cleaning happening in parish buildings). Fire Risks, Hodson Road SID. Admin Officer. To report back at next meeting.

Clerks Correspondence

no comments

20/144 Items for next agenda.


Meeting closed 20.48

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


20/137 Update the Sickness and Absence policy & Reserves policy. Upload all 3 policies onto website and MS Teams page.

20/139 Reply to SBC with planning application reply.

20/142 Add to Dec EGPA agenda to review & approve final sign design and also list locations. To be brought back to Full Council

Cllr Jefferies

20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked

Cllrs Harris & Rawlings

20/65 Chase up request to South Swindon Police for speed enforcement checks on Hodson Road.