20/01 Vote for Committee Chairman.

Cllr D Rogers proposed Cllr Harris as Committee Chairman. Cllr Kearsey seconded. There were no other nominations for the role.
All Cllrs were in favour of Cllr Harris being Committee Chairman.

20/02 Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.


Public recess.

No public

There were no previous minutes or action points to consider.

20/03 Vote on approval of virement of £25,000 into current reserved funds for parking improvements at Windmill Piece.

This virement was proposed by Cllr D Rogers, Seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/04. Approve draft budget for 2021/22 or suggest alterations for next Finance Meeting to consider.

The draft budget was reviewed by Cllrs prior to the meeting and during the agenda item.

The Clerk has an action to request an update from the Probation Team on what services they can currently provide.

The Committee reviewed the budget requests from other PC Committees.

The final decisions were:

£10,000 proposed to start a fund for creating a Neighbourhood Plan – approved

£10,000 proposed to start a fund for parish BMX/pump track – rejected. £1000 for promotional fees/guidance approved. Fund raising and grants should cover the bulk of the expenditure for this project.

£2,500 SID for Badbury – rejected. There are already funds for 1 SID to be placed in Badbury. The Committee questioned whether speed or traffic volume was the issue. If traffic volume a SID will not assist.

£1000 proposed for new goal posts at the Recreation Ground. This was increased to £2000 and approved.

£10,000 for new flooring at Castle View Play area – approved

The following specific items were also approved.

£2000 for new Castle View Play area equipment
£3000 buffer for unexpected building maintenance.
£18000 transferred from general reserves to the reserved fund for a replacement for the Rec Hall.

This draft budget for presentation to October Full Council was proposed by Cllr Harris. Seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/05. Discussion & Vote on 2021/22 Precept amount

The draft precept figure had been issued as part of the budget. With the above decisions in place, and keeping to CPC’s policy of 50% of precept in Reserved Funds, the proposed precept for 2021/22 would be £143,000. This is a 2.878% increase from last year of £139,000.

A 2021/22 precept of £143,000 to present to November full council was proposed by Cllr Kearsey, seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/06. Discussion and vote on virement from unallocated general reserves to precept topup amount for 2021/22 precept and budget.

In order to keep the precept at £143,000 for 2021/22 and provide funds for the approved projects, there is a need to approve a virement of £18,000 from unallocated general reserves into the precept fund for 2021/22.

This virement was proposed by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/07 Approve Committee Terms of Reference document

This document was proposed as accepted by Cllr Kearsey, seconded by Cllr A Rogers and all Cllrs were in favour.


No items

20/09 HR

No items

20/10 Items for the next agenda.

Cllr Harris – agenda item for next meeting to discuss the creation of a sub-committee to form a plan on the creation of a new Rec Hall/Community hub.

Clerk to contact Wroughton PC to ask how much their Neighbourhood Plan cost them and what grants are available.

The meeting closed at 20.57



20/03 Ask Probation Team what services they can currently supply

20/10 Add items to November Finance meeting agenda

20/10 Contact Wroughton PC about their NHP and grants