I am pleased to advise you that yesterday evening enforcement papers were served on Earthline pertaining to their activities at Wroughton Airfield.
As you are aware, the company has undertaken some work there with a view to establishing an operating base, which does not have the benefit of planning permission on a site that is also in the AONB.
Two notices have been issued. The first covers all the unauthorised development on site. The office block building, the weighbridge, refuelling area, wash down area, extension to the hangar, hard standing and loose aggregate areas.
The second notice is for the unauthorised change of use across the whole site (hangars L6 and L7, and not just where certain uses are located by certain development at present). This includes the office use, storage & distribution, repairs and storage of HGV’s, refuelling and washing of HGV’s, weighing vehicles etc.
There is a legal period now of one month for the notices to come into effect after service, and three months after that for compliance (though this is pending any appeal of course).”