20/56 Approval of Apologies given: Cllr Kearsey has family issues to attend to.

Cllr Duke proposed that these apologies be approved. Cllr A Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

 20/57 Public recess. No public

20/58 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.


Cllr McDonald joins the meeting at 19.18  

 20/59 Grant request of £500 from Chiseldon Fun day organisers – to fund insurance, St Johns ambulance and other supplies required.

The £500 grant was proposed by Cllr Jefferies and seconded by Cllr Sunners. The majority of Cllrs were in favour.

20/60 Items for next agenda. 

Cllr A Rogers requests that file sharing of information for Cllrs be added to the August full council agenda.

Meeting closed 19.20