20/22. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Dukes lives in Draycot Close so will not vote on the agenda  items related to Draycot Foliat.

Cllr A Rogers lives in Hodson so will not vote on the Hodson agenda item.

Public Recess: 10 members of the public

Resident A: Representing many of the residents of Strouds Hill in regards to the planning application. Would like CPC to support the rejection of the application. Points to support rejection were:

Parking & access issue

Lack of on-site & garage parking on the road.

Road safety during construction.

Resident B: Ground contaminants on site.

3 waterways in the area.

Concern over nearby tree damage.

Concern over slow worm habitat.

The design is not in keeping with the area

It doesn’t meet the housing stock needs of the parish

Legal covenant present on the usage of the land.

Owner of the Land: Has restored the Turnpike Cottage at the end of Turnball and won an award for this.

Built Inglenook Cottage on Turnball.

He is a member of the local history group and wants to show that he loves and respects Chiseldon.  He wants to add something that enhances the area. He did want to put a thatched cottage on the site but SBC wouldn’t approve this.

Architect of the proposed plans: He understands the area in within the Conservation area.

Plans submitted have followed advice from the SBC planning officer.

In regards to the watercourses, they run on the parcel of land on the neighbours site on the western side of the land, and ends up at Washpool. There is no evidence of a well on the site.

They have not seen evidence of slowworms on site.

In regards to contamination of the ground – this is something he has asked for people to provide evidence.

Any queries on windows or fenistrations can be addressed through planning officers requirements.

There is no formal parking provision near this site. By law the property needs 1 parking space as it’s a 2 bed home. This can be included on the plot of land.

Would be happy to talk to anyone outside of this meeting to answer their questions. He recommends asking for a site visit to see the area in more detail.

Resident A: There is ambiguous ownership.

Also believes there is an issue with the boundary at the rear of the property and where the boundary line actually ends.

Wants any future request for a dropped kerb or access to the land to be rejected.

Resident 3: The deeds of the land state no nuisance to neighbours & can only be used as a garage.

Architect: The parking arrangements have been in place for a long time. They will not disturb this. There is enough land of the site so that lorries delivering building materials can offload the goods on the site. This can happen over 2-3 days so there is no further lorry movements.

In regards to the curtilage he has measured this himself and the site is fenced off at the boundary. It doesn’t match the Ordinance Survey map. The curtilage of the land is reflected on the block plan on the SBC website.

Resident 4: New Road HGV issue. Wants CPC to support a weight limit restriction. The overall total of HGV’s have risen in recent months. Ward Cllrs have been approached to see if they can find out why.

Resident 5: Same comments as resident 4. 40-50 Earthline trucks per day on Hodson Rd and New Rd. Starts at 6.15am. The noise and vibration are unacceptable.

Concerns for children in Sept when school buses stop on this road. There is road damage also. Concerns over Earthline’s future, are they going to expand? Is the airfield going to become a HGV centre?

Wants CPC to look at speed limit and HVG weight limit.

20/23. Approval of minutes from 23rd June 2020.  No changes

A proposal to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting was made by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour.

20/24 Action points from previous meeting.


20/09 Investigate solar powered lighting – DONE – ON THIS AGENDA
Investigate costs of improving parking in the area. ONGOING

20/10 Investigate initial costs for Windmill Piece parking improvements with SBC ONGOING

20/11 Investigate using Ridgeway Road for diversion route during M4 J15 work with SBC – DONE. Diversion confirmed through Ridgway & Liddington.

New Road re-surfacing letter – send to residents of the area for their views. DONE

20/15 Reply with SBC with planning objections on 3 Earthline applications DONE

20/16 Review & approve letter to SBC in July meeting for closing New Road to re-surface it. DRAFT LETTER WRITTEN – ON THIS AGENDA

Cllr Duke

20/17 2 more quotes for solar lighting for July meeting. DONE – ON THIS AGENDA


20/17 Letter to Draycot Foliat residents asking for approval of solar lighting. DONE. FURTHER LETTER REQUIRED FOR FURTHER REPLIES

20/18 Ask Ward Cllrs to see if they have any contacts in Highways industry who can assist with 2 parking solutions. DONE. NO USABLE CONTACTS FOUND



20/25. PLANNING.  Discussion & vote on application S/20/0713 1 new dwelling – land at the end of Strouds Hill.

Noted that it is clear that local residents do not want the build to go ahead. There are ways to mitigate some of the objections of the residents. It would be a shame to not do anything with the plot of land that is only used for a garage at the moment. The design of the porch does look too large compared to the other cottages. This should be looked at if the build is approved.

Should be noted that CPC do not approve applications. We are a consultee and not even a legal consultee. We can only make comments.

The ownership issues are not issues that CPC can fix. Neither are any covenant issues.  With the issue of rejecting dropped kerbs, if the land usage is for a garage at the moment it seems odd to not allow a dropped kerb. Agrees that the porch is too large for the dwelling but there has been attempts to make the property blend in with the street. The conservation officer, case officer and highways officers have not raised significant objections. We need to acknowledge this.

Some disagreement with the current plot size as the previous owner tried to extend the rear of the plot and WARP had to get involved (Washpool Area Restoration Project).

Also a view that the current land owner would do a good job as the thatched property on Turnball is well done. However he does believe the previous owner took some land that belonged to the Langton Estate. Believed that they moved the fencing back by several metres.

A proposal was made by Cllr D Rogers to support this application. Seconded by Cllr Kates. No other Cllrs voted in favour so this resolution was not passed.

A proposal was made by Cllr Duke to send “No comment” to SBC for this application. Seconded by Cllr A Rogers and 6 Cllrs were in favour. Resolution passed by majority.

20/26. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/20/0743 43 Draycot Road. Single storey rear extension.

 A proposal was made by Cllr Duke to send “No objection” to SBC for this application. Seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/27. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/OUT/20/0772. Saddletones, 5 Butts Road. 1 new dwelling on land at rear of property.

Concerns over area being outside of Chiseldon settlement boundary & whether the application exceeds the boundary of the plot of land.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to send “Objection” to SBC for this application. Seconded by Cllr A Rogers and 3 Cllrs were in favour. Resolution passed by majority.

20/28 HIGHWAYS. Proposed change of speed limit for Draycot Foliat by SBC. (60 to 40mph)

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to send “Approval” to SBC for this proposed change. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs were in favour.   Cllr Duke did not vote.

20/29. HIGHWAYS. Solar Power lighting provision at Draycot Foliat.

The 3 quotes were reviewed.  Based on customer service and information provided it was felt that Prolectric were the best option for service and cost.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to purchase the Prolectric solar lighting for Draycot Foliat subject to SBC approval to install. Seconded by Cllr D Rogers and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Duke did not vote.

20/30 & 20/31. HIGHWAYS. Approval of contract finder for parking improvements at Windmill Piece and Draycot Foliat.

The 2 parking areas were discussed together as the committee felt that value for money would be achieved by securing the services of 1 contractor for both pieces of work.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to start the process of using Contract Finder (and other local methods) to secure a contractor for preliminary quotes for work at Windmill Piece and Draycot Foliat. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/32. HIGHWAYS.  Speed Indicator Device (SID) at Hodson.

The committee was unable to get to any agreement on whether a SID was required for this location so it was suggested to re-visit this item in 3 months.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to re-visit this agenda item in 3 months. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and a majority of Cllrs were in favour.  Cllr A Rogers did not vote.

20/33. HIGHWAYS.  New Road re-surfacing letter to SBC.

The Clerk updated the committee on the responses received (31 in favour) for re-surfacing request and subsequent temporary road closure of New Road. The draft letter to SBC was reviewed.

A proposal was made by Cllr A Rogers to send the letter to SBC. Seconded by Cllr Duke and a majority of Cllrs were in favour.

20/34. HIGHWAYS. New Road speed limit change to 20mph and/or HGV weight limit reduction support for request to SBC.

It was noted that as this road is an official M4 diversion route would a weight limit change be considered? Also noted that CPC previously voted to not support a request to SBC to adopt a borough wide plan for 20mph zones.

A 20mph zone may make HVG’s noisier due to lower gears being used.  20mph zones also need physical barriers such as chicanes which create a “challenge” for some drivers to “beat” the opposite driver through first.

There needs to be actual information on what the problem is and who wants what solution.

The outcome of the 3 Earthline planning applications also needs to be taken into consideration.

More residents’ feedback is required on these matters to make a parish decision.

There was no proposer to request that New Road be made a 20mph zone.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris to send another request to SBC to consider a weight limit reduction on New Road. Seconded by Cllr A Rogers and a majority of Cllrs were in favour.


No items

20/36. Items for the next agenda

No items, although it was noted on request that the Highways Officer at SBC in regards to agenda item 20/25 was against the application.

Meeting closed at 20.59



20/09 Investigate costs of improving parking in the area. ONGOING

20/10 Investigate initial costs for Windmill Piece parking improvements with SBC. ONGOING

20/25. 20/26. 20/27 Reply to SBC with planning application decisions.

20/28 Reply to SBC with approval of speed limit change at Draycot Foliat.

20/30. 20/31 Use Contract Finder and other local methods to get quotes for preliminary advice for Windmill Piece and Draycot Foliat parking changes

20/31 Move SID Hodson item to Oct 2020 agenda

20/32 Send New Road re-surfacing letter to SBC for consideration

20/33 Send letter to SBC supporting the review of the maximum weight limit on New Road with a view to introducing restrictions.