You are summoned to the Planning, Transport Development and Highways
Meeting remotely via Zoom. Thursday 30th July 2020 at 7.30pm.
Please contact the Clerk for login details
1. Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately.Vote on approval of apologies.
2. Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.
3. Public Recess. 10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.
4. Approval of minutes from 23.6.2020
5. Action points.
Planning: Voting Items
6. Discuss & vote on land at end of Strouds Hill. Erection of 1 new dwelling. S/20/0713.
7. Discuss & Vote on 43 Draycot Road. First floor side/rear extension. Single storey rear
extension. S/20/0743.
8. Discuss & vote on S/OUT/20/0772. Outline Application for the erection of 1 new dwelling.
Land to the rear of Saddlestones, 5 Butts Road
Highways: Voting Items
9. Discussion & vote on Draycot Foliat proposed speed limit changes from SBC. See additional
10. Discussion & vote on Draycot Foliat solar lighting quotes. See additional information
11. Discussion & vote on next steps for Draycot Foliat parking improvements for 2020/21. Requirement to add quotes to Contract Finder – see additional information
12. Discussion & vote on preliminary plans for parking improvements at Windmill Piece in
2021/22. Requirement to add quotes to Contract Finder. See additional information
13. Discuss & vote on first steps for purchasing SID for Hodson. £1000 in budget. See additional information.
14. Information from Clerk – final details of letter sent to SBC with support from residents on New Road re-surfacing.
15. Discuss & vote on whether CPC should lend support to a resident’s request of 20mph zone
and/or weight limit for New Road and Hodson Road – ref HGV’s. See additional information.
Transport: Voting Items
16. No items
17. Items for next agenda (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting).