20/01. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.

Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.

Public recess.

No public.

20/02. Vote for new Vice Chairman of the Committee

Cllr Sunners nominated Cllr Duke for the role. There were no other nominations.

It was proposed by Cllr Sunners that Cllr Duke be voted in as committee Vice Chairman. Cllr Bates seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/03. Approval of previous EGPA minutes from 16th March 2020.

No changes.

The minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2020 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Jefferies, seconded by Cllr Duke; all those at the meeting were in favour.

Note – no April meeting due to Covid19

20/04. Action points from March 2020.



19/62 Get green waste leaflet from SBC for Ridgeway View – via Ward Cllr Jefferies. DONE – leaflet created by Admin Officer and will be distributed when possible. Added to FB and website.

19/137 Ask Ward Cllrs to get SBC to revisit the issue of the dip in the Canney Green footpath. Also item 19/154. NEED TO CHASE

19/151 Purchase items for CVPA. DONE – Delivery to be arranged when safe to do so.

19/154 Ask Ward Cllrs to arrange road sweeper at end of Canney Close. NEED TO CHASE

19/155 Ask Ward Cllrs for progress of hedge cutting on New Road. NEED TO CHASE

19/155 Ask SBC Rights of Way officer about path at rear of Drs surgery/hotel. CLOSED –PATH RE-SURFACED WHEN THAMES WATER DID MAINS WORK.

19/174 Next EGPA agenda– Elect VC for EGPA committee. DONE

19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. ONGOING

19/182 Take resolution 19/182 for pavement cleaning to next full council for approval -DONE

19/183 Clerk to get quotes for tree survey for the Rec ground trees and trees in Butts Rand SHCMG cemeteries. IN PROGRESS

19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area.IN PROGRESS

19/194 Take resolution 19/194 to full council for approval to spend funds on tarmacking the chapel path. DONE


No items


– Virement of £2500 to facilitate railings at Badbury footpath. Note – £2500 already in allocated reserves for this item.

It was requested that this item be moved to the next agenda so it could be discussed further.
Cllr Rawlings believes that minimal use will be gained from the railings and the funds may be better spent on another Speed Activated device for example.
All Cllrs are encouraged to visit the site to assess the need. The Clerk will send out a location map.

Deferred to June meeting.

20/07 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Tennis Club update. Julie Porte.

Julie apologised for sending out the new opening procedures to all club members before alerting the PC as agreed. Now open to members only, from the same household. Club house is shut. No public play or guests permitted.

A lot of members are taking up this offer and they will introduce pay and play when they can.

The public booking system via the Hotel needed an overhaul so now the club is using the ClubSpark website to control the bookings.

Cllr Jefferies asked whether the public court can have the current rules emailed out to people who wish to hire a court?

Julie confirmed she would get an email from the person when they made a booking so this will be looked into. Currently the key codes for all locks are the same so would need to make changes to allow non-members to play.

Phil the coach will be moss killing and cleaning the courts.

The club wants to paint court 3 this year. This is the court nearest the club house that has suffered with clay being washed onto it during flood weather.
The Clerk advised that the PC are looking to get quotes to rectify this.
Julie will arrange the location of the outside tap with the plumber.

The club asked if there was any change of a rent decrease due to Covid19 meaning they haven’t been able to use the courts
for a while. This will be added to the next EGPA agenda.

The clubs next AGM is Nov and they currently have all members for the committee that they need.

Julie will report back on the pay and play situation and also will talk to the football club about the parking issue.

Julie left the meeting at 8.00pm

20/08 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Flooding at Rec Hall to tennis courts.

Cllr Rawlings had visited with Hardwick Homes who did the work originally. The car park still has a slope which leads towards the Rec Hall and courts. The proposed solution is to create a 3 inch high hump running across the gated entrance which will deflect the water away. Suitable for wheelchairs and coloured yellow. Approx £200.00

Cllr Rawlings suggested asking the Tennis Club to cover 50% of this cost to which Cllrs agreed. Item for next agenda as need to obtain further quotes. Cllr Rawlings will send the spec to the Clerk.

20/09. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Wood chipper for Handyman to use.

It had been suggested that this may be a useful addition to the tools the PC own as it is otherwise costly and inconvenient for large branches to be removed after tree work.

Cllr Jefferies supports this as a long term asset to the council.
Cllr Sunners suggests that the usage of this be discussed with the handyman & possibilities of it being stolen.
Cllr Bates believes the cost may be prohibitive
Cllr Rawlings will discuss with the handyman. Item for next agenda with prices for consideration.

20/10. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Football Club report. Matt Clarke

Only 2 games since Nov 19 due to weather and Covid19
Doesn’t think any games will be placed until new season in Sept/Oct 2020. Pitches still being mowed by the club so families can enjoy them.
Changing rooms being kept up to date and tidy.
The committee is stable with the same key members.
The Under 9’s team will unfortunately stop but an U13’s team will be formed.


No items


No items


No items


No items

20/15. Vulnerable people and BIOS

Cllr Sunners will contact BIOS for a catch up report
The Clerk updated the committee with the work that had been done with the Admin Officer on arranging contact with
vulnerable people who may need help due to Covid 19. A list of contact details was provided by SBC of approx. 70 people
to contact in the parish.
Cllr Jefferies commented on the good work done and the need to thank all the volunteers once the current situation is over.
Cllr Sunners advised that people he called were grateful for the contact and all thanked the PC. Most people contacted were well supported by family and friends.

20/16 Items for next agenda

Cllr Sunners mentioned a scheme is he helping the history group with on gathering memories for these times to be saved as a historical reference. If costs are involved a grant may be sought from the councils grants fund.

The meeting closed at 20.29



19/137 Ask W.Cllrs to get SBC to revisit the issue of the dip in the Canney Green footpath.
19/154 Ask Ward Cllrs to arrange road sweeper at end of Canney Close.
19/155 Ask Ward Cllrs for progress of hedge cutting on New Road
19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease
19/183 Quotes for tree survey for the Rec ground, Butts Road, & SHCMG cemeteries.
19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area
20/06 Add vote on Badbury path virement of £2500 to June agenda
20/07 Tennis Club request of 20/21 rent discount for Covid-19 situation to June agenda.

Cllr Rawlings

20/09 Talk to Handyman about requirement for wood chipper. Clerk to add to June agenda for consideration with example prices.

Cllr Sunners

20/14 Contact BIOS for an update report